Agenda for May 29th, 2013

103rd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 85

Eighty-Fifth Day

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Third Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
FINAL READING (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8)
Document Introducer Description
*LB97 Mello Adopt the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act and authorize land banks to acquire tax-delinquent properties
LB225 Smith Adopt the Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Act
*LB298e McCoy Change provisions relating to controlled substances schedules
*LB326 Howard Change provisions of Pharmacy Practice Act and Automated Medication Systems Act
LB331e Harms Change provisions relating to postsecondary education grants and the Postsecondary Institution Act
LB368 Crawford Create a subsidized employment pilot program within the Department of Health and Human Services
LB368A Crawford Appropriation Bill
*LB479 Lathrop Prohibit policy and contract terms relating to contractual rights and insurance proceeds
*LB23 Hadley Change ICF/MR reimbursement provisions and mental retardation terminology
LB23A Hadley Appropriation Bill
*LB93 Dubas Provide for notation of veteran status on drivers' licenses and state identification cards and provide for a registry of veterans
LB93A Dubas Appropriation Bill
*LB104e Lathrop Change sales and use tax increases under the Local Option Revenue Act and provide tax incentives for renewable energy projects under the Nebraska Advantage Act
*LB211e Adams Change and eliminate provisions relating to statewide coordination of community college boards
LB211Ae Adams Appropriation Bill
*LB216e McGill Adopt the Young Adult Voluntary Services and Support Act
LB216A McGill Appropriation Bill
*LB269e Campbell Change provisions relating to children and families
LB269Ae Campbell Appropriation Bill
*LB296 Hadley Change provisions of the educational savings plan relating to income tax reductions and participation agreements
*LB306e Nordquist Change judges' salaries and retirement contribution provisions
LB306Ae Nordquist Appropriation Bill
*LB308 Schumacher Change provisions relating to the federal alternative minimum tax and net operating losses and capital losses
LB363 Avery Change provisions relating to access to public records
LB363A Avery Appropriation Bill
*LB366e Cook Adopt the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and provide funding from the Education Innovation Fund
LB366Ae Cook Appropriation Bill
LB429 Crawford Require disclosure of state contracts
LB429A Crawford Appropriation Bill
LB483 Bolz Provide for a reentry planning pilot program in adult correctional facilities
LB483A Bolz Appropriation Bill
*LB507e Campbell Adopt the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act
LB507Ae Campbell Appropriation Bill
LB517e Carlson Create the Water Funding Task Force
LB517Ae Carlson Appropriation Bill
*LB530e Dubas Add, change, and eliminate provisions relating to foster care reimbursements
LB530A Dubas Appropriation Bill
*LB556 McGill Provide for telehealth services for children, change the medical assistance program, and provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB556A McGill Appropriation Bill
*LB561e Ashford Change provisions and transfer responsibilities regarding the juvenile justice system
*LB561Ae Ashford Appropriation Bill
LB573 Harr Change provisions relating to an adjustment to income for certain capital gains and extraordinary dividends
LB579 Karpisek Provide a duty regarding administration and enforcement of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB579A Karpisek Appropriation Bill
LB583 Haar Provide duties for the Climate Assessment Response Committee
LB583A Haar Appropriation Bill
LB634e Davis Adopt the Wildfire Control Act of 2013
LB634Ae Davis Appropriation Bill
Document Introducer Description
LB255 McGill Change provisions and penalties relating to human trafficking, child abuse, prostitution, solicitation, and pandering
LB90 Haar Change sales tax provisions on the furnishing of electricity service
Document Introducer Description
LB224 Janssen Provide a preference for awarding state contracts to resident disabled veterans and certain businesses
Document Introducer Description
LB574 Harr Provide that certain assessments are levied and collected as special assessments
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR356 Hadley Extend sympathy to the family of Berri Balka
LR357 Davis Congratulate Abigail McFee for being selected as a 2013 National Merit Finalist
LR358 Smith Congratulate the Papillion-La Vista boys' track and field team for their accomplishments in the 2013 Class A state championship

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.