Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Hughes, 44 in the 107th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB14 (1st Special) |
Sen Hughes | Passed | Appropriate funds for special session expenses |
LB190 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to use of the Water Sustainability Fund |
LB191 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine elector for the Irrigation District Act |
LB215 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change 911 service surcharge provisions |
LB336 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Change fees for state park entry permits |
LB393 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the Next Generation Business Growth Act |
LB616 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Change abandoned motor vehicle provisions |
LB617 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to the authority of the Game and Parks Commission |
LB618 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to state park permits |
LB668 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Relocate the headquarters of the Game and Parks Commission |
LB686 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Change composition of the Executive Board of the Legislative Council |
LB708 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Eliminate the requirement to copyright reissue and supplement volumes of the Nebraska Revised Statutes |
LB711 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the sale of educational land |
LB712 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act |
LB801 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine qualified location under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act |
LB802 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Wheat Resources Act |
LB803 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine immediate family for purposes of obtaining limited permits for deer, antelope, wild turkey, or elk |
LB804 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Change compensation of certain members of the Nebraska Power Review Board |
LB804A | Sen Hughes | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB805 | Sen Hughes | Passed | Change provisions of the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act, the Nebraska Wheat Resources Act, and the Noxious Weed Control Act |
LB805A | Sen Hughes | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB809A | Sen Hughes | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB978 | Sen Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Provide powers and duties relating to the treatment of dredged and fill material under the Environmental Protection Act |
LR50 | Sen Hughes | Adopted | Congratulate Alec Langan on winning the 220-pound division at the 2021 Class B state wrestling championship |
LR51 | Sen Hughes | Adopted | Congratulate Brandon Knoles on winning the 220-pound division at the 2021 Class D state wrestling championship |
LR57 | Sen Hughes | Adopted | Congratulate Conner Schutz on winning the 2021 Class D 170-pound state wrestling championship |
LR111 | Sen Hughes | Adopted | Congratulate Tom Grove on his retirement from the Nebraska State Patrol and recognize his service to the State of Nebraska |
LR343 | Sen Hughes | Adopted | Congratulate Gavin Smith on winning the 2022 Class C-2 Persuasive Speaking state speech championship |
LR370 | Sen Hughes | Referral | Interim study to examine the coordination and administration of boundary layers in Nebraska |