Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Friday January 11, 2019
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB136 | Wayne | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Act |
LB137 | Blood | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Fantasy Contests Act and provide a gambling exception |
LB138 | Blood | Passed | Provide for a veterans' program coordinator, change and eliminate certain license plate fees, and provide for additional Military Honor Plates and Support Our Troops Plates |
LB139 | Kolterman | Passed | Change provisions relating to a data base of contractors under the Contractor Registration Act |
LB140 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Indoor Tanning Facility Act |
LB141 | DeBoer | Passed | Provide for the offense of assault by strangulation or suffocation |
LB142 | Geist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to driving automation systems and liability |
LB143 | Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit throwing or dropping dangerous instruments on motor vehicles |
LB144 | Hughes | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voter approval of nonpartisan nomination and partisan election of county officers |
LB145 | Hansen, M. | Passed | Change power of attorney provisions relating to banks and other financial institutions |
LB146 | Hansen, M. | Passed | Change liability and damages provisions for refusal to accept acknowledged power of attorney |
LB147 | Groene | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Student Discipline Act to provide for use by a teacher or administrator of necessary physical contact or physical restraint and provide procedures and grounds for removal from a class in response to student behavior |
LB148 | Groene | Passed | Change requirements for public hearings on proposed budget statements and notices of meetings of public bodies |
LB149 | Quick | Passed | Change provisions relating to sale and use of tobacco products, electronic nicotine delivery systems, and alternative nicotine products |
LB150 | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to access to public records and provide for fees |
LB151 | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act |
LB152 | Brewer | Passed | State rights of Nebraska National Guard members and provide for confidentiality of members' residential addresses |
LB153 | Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits |
LB154 | Brewer | Passed | Authorize a study to improve reporting and investigation of missing Native American women and children |
LB155 | Brewer | Passed | Change eminent domain provisions that apply to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities |
LB156 | Brewer | Passed | Provide for the operation, titling, and registration of former military vehicles |
LB157 | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voluntary registration, duties for the Department of Agriculture, and a cause of action under the Nebraska Apiary Act |
LB158 | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the assessed value of real property |
LB159 | Williams | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act |
LB160 | Quick | Passed | Include early childhood infrastructure development and early childhood care and education programs under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act for certain cities and villages |
LB161 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate learning communities |
LB162 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Impose sales and use taxes on certain services |
LB163 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Permit counties to conduct elections by mail |
LB164 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit electronic transmission or online posting of certain photographs or videos, redefine sexual exploitation, and provide for a registrable offense under the Sex Offender Registration Act |
LB165 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Too Young to Suspend Act |
LB166 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit defendant's discovery of victim's actual or perceived gender or sexual orientation as defense to crime |
LB167 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit conversion therapy |
LB168 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Define offense of child abuse to include subjecting a child to conversion therapy |
LB169 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
LB170 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a sales and use tax exemption for feminine hygiene products |
LB171 | Pansing Brooks | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services |
LB172 | Pansing Brooks | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to cofiduciaries, payable on death accounts, and competency for persons eighteen years of age or older entering into certain financial agreements |
LB173 | Pansing Brooks | Indefinitely postponed | Define and redefine terms of coercion and without consent and provide for applicability with respect to sexual assault |
LB174 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for the Office of Violence Prevention |
LB175 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding candidate committee funds |
LB176 | Chambers | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate certain mandatory minimum penalties |
LB177 | Lindstrom | Passed | Change a termination date for bonding authority of natural resources districts |
LB178 | Hilgers | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to workers' compensation claims, tort claims against the state, and state vehicles |
LB179 | Hilgers | Passed | Authorize the appeal of certain motions as final orders |
LB180 | Bolz | Passed | Change program eligibility criteria under the Community College Gap Assistance Program Act |
LB181 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Require a report from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature regarding long-term care sustainability |
LB182 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the School District Local Option Income Surtax Act |
LB183 | Briese | Indefinitely postponed | Change the valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land for purposes of certain school district taxes |
LB184 | Friesen | Passed | Adopt the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act |
LB185 | Friesen | Passed | Change provisions relating to the special valuation of agricultural and horticultural land |
LB186 | Lindstrom | Passed | Change provisions governing certain documents and adopt the Online Notary Public Act |
LB187 | Lindstrom | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act |
LB188 | Lindstrom | Indefinitely postponed | Change the rate of interest charged on loans under the Nebraska Installment Loan Act |
LB189 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to budget limitations for cities and villages |
LB190 | La Grone | Passed | Change provisions relating to rule and regulation authority of the Department of Transportation and the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission and provisions relating to school bus loading area warning signs |
LB191 | La Grone | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to budgets and public hearing notice for certain governmental entities |
LB192 | McCollister | Passed | Change provisions relating to veteran designations on operators' licenses and state identification cards |
LB193 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to cities of particular classes and villages, correct and include references as prescribed, and eliminate obsolete provisions and repeal definitions |
LB194 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to cities of the first class as prescribed |
LB195 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Correct statutory references relating to the State Fire Code |
LB196 | Urban Affairs Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to notices of certain zoning matters in cities of the metropolitan class and for hearings under the Business Improvement District Act |
LB197 | Urban Affairs Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a procedure for detachment of real property from the corporate limits of a city or village and eliminate existing detachment provisions |
LB198 | Halloran | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony and prohibit use of a facsimile firearm to commit a felony |
LB199 | Wishart | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Supreme Court for court appointed special advocate state aid |
LB200 | Wishart | Passed | Change provisions relating to licensure under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act of mental health substance use treatment centers providing civil protective custody of intoxicated persons |
LB201 | McCollister | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit certain unlawful acts as prescribed relating to the Weights and Measures Act |
LB202 | Wishart | Indefinitely postponed | Designate funds appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services for state aid |
LB203 | Briese | Passed | Change provisions of the Music Licensing Agency Act |
LB204 | Briese | Indefinitely postponed | Require approval of voters for bonds under the Interlocal Cooperation Act |
LB205 | Kolterman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Surgical Technologist Registration Act |
LB206 | Morfeld | Indefinitely postponed | Protect free speech rights of student journalists and student media advisers |
LB207 | Morfeld | Indefinitely postponed | Create a Death Penalty Defense Standards Advisory Council |
LB208 | Walz | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception for leasing dark fiber or providing certain telecommunications and related services by a state agency or political subdivision |
LB209 | Albrecht | Passed | Require information, materials, and reporting regarding continuing a viable pregnancy after taking mifepristone and change provisions relating to public indecency |
LB210 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change independent expenditure reporting requirements and require electioneering reporting |
LB211 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for nonpartisan nomination and election of county officers |
LB212 | Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to budget limitations and procedures, hearing notices for county budgets and property tax requests, and videoconferences and telephone conferences |
LB213 | McCollister | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for setting aside certain infraction, misdemeanor, and felony convictions |
LB214 | La Grone | Passed | Authorize cession of certain land to the federal government |
LB215 | Linehan | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for Prostate Cancer Awareness Plates |
LB216 | Kolterman | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit releasing a person in custody to avoid medical costs |
LB217 | Pansing Brooks | Passed | Prohibit discrimination against an employee for communicating about employee wages, benefits, or other compensation |
LB218 | Lindstrom | Passed | Redefine real property and gross receipts for tax purposes |
LR4 | Gragert | Congratulate the Creighton High School football team on winning the 2018 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR5CA | Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to limit the percentage of funding for schools that comes from property taxes |
LR6 | Geist | Extend sympathy to the family of Ruth Raymond Thone |