Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Thursday January 09, 2014
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB725 | Sullivan | Passed | Change student growth adjustment correction and local effort rate yield under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB726 | Scheer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for changing the number of school board members in Class II and Class III school districts |
LB727 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to anatomical gift donation designations on drivers' licenses and state identification cards |
LB728 | Harms | Passed | Change provisions relating to criminal history record information checks for certain employees of the Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB729 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Task Force on Expanded Learning Opportunities for School-Age Youth |
LB730 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change reporting provisions under the Child Protection Act |
LB731 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to workers' compensation first injury reports |
LB732 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Change asset limitation for certain programs of public assistance |
LB733 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Mass Assessment Act for valuation of real property for ad valorem tax purposes |
LB734 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for deposit of public funds with credit unions |
LB735 | Bolz | Passed | Require refund of certain insurance premiums upon death of insured |
LB736 | Dubas | Passed | Change the service of notice provision in the One-Call Notification System Act |
LB737 | Dubas | Passed | Change qualifications for county veterans service officers |
LB738 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Create a fund and appropriate funds to the Department of Motor Vehicles |
LB739 | Hadley | Passed | Update references to the Internal Revenue Code |
LB740 | Crawford | Passed | Provide residency requirements for postsecondary education purposes for veterans and their family members |
LB741 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Require schools to have a policy relating to tornado drills as prescribed |
LB742 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Require instant run-off voting in primary elections |
LB743 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Provide definition of one-half of an elected term of office |
LB744 | Avery | Passed | Establish the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission |
LB745 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change various provisions relating to administrative governmental functions |
LB746 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions to authorize provisional ballots and require identification for certain voters |
LB747 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide electioneering communication reporting requirements and restrictions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB748 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault |
LB749 | Harr | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act |
LB750 | Harr | Passed | Change provisions relating to lien perfection and termination |
LB751 | Conrad | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act |
LB752 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain assault provisions |
LB753 | Gloor | Passed | Change a provision for notice of a change of address for an agent for service of process for a limited liability company and provide a filing fee |
LB754 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Provide funds for career education programs |
LB755 | Gloor | Passed | Adopt the Standard Valuation Act for valuation of insurance reserves |
LB756 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine bicycle and motor vehicle |
LB757 | Smith | Passed | Create a mailbox location exception and repeal an obsolete road numbering system requirement |
LB758 | Smith | Passed | Change duties relating to registration certificates for trailers |
LB759 | Mello | Passed | Require reports, define terms, change investment provisions, and provide powers and duties relating to retirement systems |
LB760 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Combined Sewer Overflow Infrastructure Assistance Act and the Unfunded Federal Mandate Infrastructure Assistance Act |
LB761 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a tax amnesty program and change provisions on contracts for finding nonpayers of taxes |
LB762 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to integrated management plans |
LB763 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Require reports from state agencies on inefficient programs |
LB764 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds for pediatric cancer research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center |
LB765 | Conrad | Passed | Change the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act |
LB766 | Bloomfield | Passed | Change tuition assistance program provisions for National Guard members |
LB767 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to operator training for underground storage tanks and provide funding |
LB768 | Schilz | Passed | Change provisions of the Livestock Brand Act and estray provisions |
LB769 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to military parents under the Parenting Act |
LB770 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to explosives and destructive devices |
LB771 | Wallman | Indefinitely postponed | Change length of certification period under the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act |
LB772 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Increase expenditure amount for Adjutant General for aerial fire suppression or hazardous material response |
LB773 | Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for partisan ballots for unaffiliated voters at primary elections |
LR392 | Wightman | Congratulate the Cozad High School football team for winning the 2013 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR393CA | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change signature requirements for initiative petitions |