Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Wednesday January 09, 2008
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR220CA | Kopplin | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to authorize different property tax treatment of residential property |
LB795 | Stuthman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide appropriations for community health centers |
LB794 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the criminal responsibility of intoxicated persons and the insanity defense |
LB793 | Burling | Indefinitely postponed | Change which county pays for costs of emergency protective custody and proceedings |
LB792 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions governing insurance producers |
LB791 | Erdman | Passed | Provide for rules for certified seed potatoes |
LB790 | Erdman | Passed | Change buffer strip reimbursement provisions |
LB789 | Erdman | Passed | Change grant provisions under the Agricultural Opportunities and Value-Added Partnerships Act |
LB788 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Anthrax Control Act |
LB787 | Gay | Indefinitely postponed | Create degrees of offenses of assault on an emergency services provider or a health care provider |
LB786 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Regulate traffic approaching or passing a stopped authorized emergency vehicle |
LB785 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Require seller of residential real estate to provide purchaser with information regarding sex offender registration |
LB784 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit immigration law violators from receiving incentives under the Nebraska Advantage Act |
LB783 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for adoption expenses as prescribed |
LB782 | Howard | Passed | Allow disclosure of child abuse and neglect information |
LB781 | Rogert | Passed | Change the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act |
LB780 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the duty to stop after an accident |
LB779 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for filing certain statements with the Director of Insurance under the Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement Act |
LB778 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax assessment and equalization provisions |
LB777 | Hudkins | Passed | Redefine agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax purposes |
LB776 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change fees received by registers of deeds |
LB775 | Wightman | Passed | Change deputy court clerks provisions |
LB774 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to filing for modification of child support orders |
LB773 | Hudkins | Indefinitely postponed | Change unclassified county service position provisions relating to bailiffs |
LB772 | Hudkins | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for state payment for county and district court courtroom security |
LB771 | Gay | Indefinitely postponed | Provide funding for expressways and transfer money from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB770 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Exclude military retirement benefits from taxation |
LB769 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to offenses against animals |
LB768 | Cornett | Passed | Provide sanitary and improvement districts with the power to contract for library services |
LB767 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize leave for members of the Civil Air Patrol |
LB766 | Cornett | Passed | Regulate scrap metal recycling |
LB765 | Gay | Passed | Change provisions relating to certificates of need |
LB764 | Cornett | Passed | Prohibit certain treatment of bovines and equines |
LB763 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Nebraska State Capitol Environs District Revitalization Task Force |
LB762 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create a sales tax holiday for school-related purchases |
LB761 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Create the BRAC Task Force to examine issues relating to the military base realignment and closure process |
LB760 | Gay | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Nebraska State Library Task Force |
LB759 | Hudkins | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to relabeling and redispensing prescription drugs |
LB758 | Hudkins | Indefinitely postponed | Increase motor fuel taxes and allocate and reallocate revenue |
LB757 | Hudkins | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Volunteer Emergency Responders Incentive Act |
LB756 | Transportation and Telecommunications Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to motor vehicle operation, titling, and registration and motorboat titling |
LB755 | Transportation and Telecommunications Committee | Passed | Change Public Service Commission powers and duties |
LB754 | Synowiecki | Passed | Change provisions of the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act |
LB753 | Synowiecki | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for nurse practitioners to practice without integrated practice agreements |
LB752 | Flood | Passed | Change membership provisions of the Nebraska Capitol Commission |
LB751 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change noxious weed funding provisions relating to stream vegetation removal |
LB750 | Aguilar | Passed | Designate the Secretary of State's Office as a voter registration agency |
LB749 | Stuthman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for electronic application submission and a civil penalty for manufactured homes |
LB748 | Rogert | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Interior Designers Certification Act |
LB747 | Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to energy financing contracts |
LB746 | Aguilar | Passed | Change provisions relating to tuition credits for National Guard members |
LB745 | Aguilar | Passed | Change exemption provisions relating to the State Personnel System |
LB744 | Aguilar | Passed | Permit leasing of state property to the federal government or political subdivisions |
LB743 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate restrictions on trapping wildlife in county road rights-of-way |
LB742 | Johnson | Indefinitely postponed | Change licensure provisions relating to engineers |
LB741 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change distribution of motor vehicle tax proceeds |
LB740 | Fulton | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to authorized emergency vehicles |
LB739 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for the waiver of a fine or penalty for an information collection requirement for small businesses |
LB738 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change brain injury registry notification and reporting requirements |
LB737 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Provide income tax credits for returns filed claiming dependents eligible for assistance |
LB736 | Fulton | Passed | Provide for ignition interlock permits and change provisions relating to other driving permits and penalties for driving under the influence |
LB735 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Rename the Sexual Predator Residency Restriction Act and provide for certain employment restrictions |
LB734 | Fulton | Passed | Change employee benefit plan provisions for certain political subdivisions |
LB733 | Kopplin | Indefinitely postponed | Create a homestead exemption |
LB732 | Kopplin | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt first twenty-five thousand dollars of residential property values from taxation |
LB731 | Kopplin | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize issuance of a teaching certificate to a military spouse |
LB730 | Flood | Indefinitely postponed | Change emergency medical services classifications and training |
LB729 | Flood | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine exotic animals for auctions and swap meets |
LB728 | Karpisek | Passed | Change provisions relating to the state song |
LB727 | Natural Resources Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to hearings conducted by the Department of Natural Resources |
LB726 | Natural Resources Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Loan Fund |
LB725 | Natural Resources Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for grants under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Act |
LB724 | Natural Resources Committee | Passed | Change fees under the Remedial Action Plan Monitoring Act |
LB723 | Engel | Indefinitely postponed | Change the State Electrical Act |
LB722 | Engel | Indefinitely postponed | Change the tax on tobacco products |
LB721 | Schimek | Indefinitely postponed | Change Capitol Landscape Restoration Master Plan provisions |
LB720 | Schimek | Passed | Change requirement regarding prerecorded messages |
LB719 | Schimek | Indefinitely postponed | Change qualification provisions for membership on the State Board of Education |
LB718 | Schimek | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt purchases by organizations like Habitat for Humanity from sales tax |
LB717 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to finance |
LB716 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the effect of errors and omissions in a financing statement |
LB715 | Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to nonresident real estate licensees |
LB714 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Exclude social security benefits from income tax and homestead exemption calculations |
LB713 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit physicians from administering certain fat-dissolving substances |
LB712 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for daytime running lights on motor vehicles |
LB711 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change disability benefit provisions under the Judges Retirement Act and the School Employees Retirement Act |
LB710 | Pahls | Passed | Require notice of sale of real property by a land reutilization authority |
LB709 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Permit motor vehicle and motorcycle dealers to issue certificates of title and registration and license plates |
LB708 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Sales Tax Holiday Act |
LB707 | Executive Board: Engel, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to repeal statutes that terminated on January 1, 2001, relating to partnerships |
LB706 | Executive Board: Engel, Chairperson | Passed | Revisor bill to correct erroneous references in a statute governing limited cooperative associations |