Nebraska Revised Statute 71-2506

Chapter 71


Poisons; sale; revised schedule of poisons; preparation; notice; hearing; appeal.

(1) Whenever, in the judgment of the Department of Health and Human Services, it becomes necessary for the protection of the public to add any poison, not specifically enumerated in section 71-2501, the department shall have printed a revised schedule of all poisons coming under section 71-2501. The department shall forward by mail one copy to each person registered upon its books and to every person applying for same, and the revised schedule shall carry an effective date for the new poisons added. No poison shall be added by the department under this section unless the same shall be as toxic in its effect as any of the poisons enumerated under section 71-2501.

(2) Whenever the department proposes to bring any additional poisons under section 71-2501, the proposal shall be set down for hearing. At least ten days' notice of such hearing shall be given by the department. The notice shall designate the poison to be added and shall state the time and place of the hearing. Such notice shall be given by such means as the department determines to be reasonably calculated to notify the various interested parties. The department may adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations with respect to the conduct of such hearings as may be necessary.

(3) Any person aggrieved by any order of the department passed pursuant to this section may appeal such order, and the appeal shall be in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.


Cross References

  • Administrative Procedure Act, see section 84-920.