Nebraska Revised Statute 45-931
Licensees; annual report; contents; department; duties; report.
(1) Licensees shall, on an annual basis, provide the following information to the director, in a uniform manner prescribed by the department: Total number of makers; total number of transactions; average transaction size; total contracted transaction charges; total transaction actual charges; number of defaulted transactions; number of charged-off transactions; dollar value of transactions charged off; number of nonnegotiable check fees and dollar value for the same; average contracted annual percentage rate; and any other nonprivate information which may be requested in the discretion of the director.
(2) The department shall compile the total number of licensees operating in this state by location and the information required in subsection (1) of this section regarding the transaction activities of licensees and makers under the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act and shall report electronically to the Clerk of the Legislature on or before December 1, 2018, and annually thereafter.