Nebraska Revised Statute 43-129
Chapter 43
Original birth certificate; access by medical professionals; when.
If at any time an individual licensed to practice medicine and surgery pursuant to the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act or licensed to engage in the practice of psychology pursuant to the Psychology Practice Act, through his or her professional relationship with an adopted person, determines that information contained on the original birth certificate of the adopted person may be necessary for the treatment of the health of the adopted person, whether physical or mental in nature, he or she may petition a court of competent jurisdiction for the release of the information contained on the original birth certificate, and the court may release the information on good cause shown.
- Laws 1980, LB 992, § 11;
- Laws 1988, LB 372, § 23;
- Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 6;
- Laws 1999, LB 366, § 5;
- Laws 2007, LB463, § 1131.