Nebraska Revised Statute 38-140
Report of unauthorized practice or unauthorized operation of business; investigation; cease and desist order; violation; penalty.
Every business credentialed under the Uniform Credentialing Act shall report to the department the name of every person without a credential that he or she has reason to believe is engaged in practicing any profession or operating any business for which a credential is required by the Uniform Credentialing Act. The department may, along with other law enforcement agencies, investigate such reports or other complaints of unauthorized practice or unauthorized operation of a business. The director, with the recommendation of the appropriate board, may issue an order to cease and desist the unauthorized practice of such profession or unauthorized operation of such business as a measure to obtain compliance with the applicable credentialing requirements by the person or business prior to referral of the matter to the Attorney General for action. For businesses that do not have a board, the department may issue such cease and desist orders. Practice of such profession or operation of such business without a credential after receiving a cease and desist order is a Class III felony.