Nebraska Revised Statute 32-556
City, village, and school elections; requirements; applicability of act.
All city, village, and school issues and offices shall be combined on the statewide primary and general election ballots whenever possible. The issuance of separate ballots shall be avoided in a statewide election if city, village, or school offices or issues can reasonably be combined with the nonpartisan ballot and state law does not require otherwise. All city and village elections involving the election of officers, except cities with home rule charters, shall be held in accordance with the Election Act and in conjunction with the statewide primary or general election. All city elections in cities with home rule charters shall be held in accordance with the home rule charter except as otherwise provided in the Election Act and may be held in conjunction with the statewide primary or general election. If the home rule charter is silent as to any subject covered by the act, the act shall apply.