Journal Summary for March 15th, 2016
104th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 42
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LB794 | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB803 | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB817 | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB867 | Placed on Select File with ER180 | 955 |
LB867 | Enrollment and Review ER180 filed | 955 |
LB867A | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB894 | Placed on Select File with ER181 | 955 |
LB894 | Enrollment and Review ER181 filed | 955 |
LB1092 | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB1109 | Placed on Select File | 955 |
LB1033 | Placed on Select File with ER183 | 956 |
LB1033 | Enrollment and Review ER183 filed | 956 |
LB467 | Placed on Select File with ER187 | 957 |
LB467 | Enrollment and Review ER187 filed | 957 |
LB910 | Placed on Select File with ER182 | 957 |
LB910 | Enrollment and Review ER182 filed | 957 |
LB754A | Date of introduction | 963 |
LB754A | Placed on General File | 963 |
LB910A | Placed on Select File | 963 |
LB1093 | Placed on Select File with ER188 | 963 |
LB1093 | Enrollment and Review ER188 filed | 963 |
LB745 | Chambers MO204 Bracket until April 20, 2016 filed | 964 |
LB745 | Chambers MO204 failed | 964 |
LB745 | Chambers MO205 Reconsider the vote to bracket filed | 964 |
LB745 | Chambers MO205 withdrawn | 964 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2498 withdrawn | 964 |
LB745 | Brasch AM2584 filed | 964 |
LB745 | Brasch AM2584 lost | 964 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2499 filed | 965 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2499 lost | 965 |
LR459 | Adopted | 966 |
LR459 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR460 | Adopted | 966 |
LR460 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR461 | Adopted | 966 |
LR461 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR462 | Adopted | 966 |
LR462 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR465 | Adopted | 966 |
LR465 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR466 | Adopted | 966 |
LR466 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR467 | Adopted | 966 |
LR467 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR468 | Adopted | 966 |
LR468 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LR469 | Adopted | 966 |
LR469 | President/Speaker signed | 966 |
LB745 | Chambers MO207 Reconsider the vote on AM2499 filed | 967 |
LB745 | Chambers MO207 failed | 967 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2513 filed | 967 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2513 lost | 967 |
LB745 | McCollister MO206 Invoke cloture filed | 968 |
LB745 | McCollister MO206 prevailed | 968 |
LB710 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB722 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB745 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 969 |
LB857 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB897 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB919 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB919A | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB977 | Placed on Select File with ER189 | 969 |
LB977 | Enrollment and Review ER189 filed | 969 |
LB1022 | Placed on Final Reading | 969 |
LB754 | Placed on Select File | 970 |
LB1082 | Placed on Select File with ER185 | 970 |
LB1082 | Enrollment and Review ER185 filed | 970 |
LB1105 | Placed on Select File with ER184 | 970 |
LB1105 | Enrollment and Review ER184 filed | 970 |
LB447 | Kolterman AM2546 filed | 971 |
LB698A | Placed on Select File | 971 |
LB906 | Placed on Select File with ER186 | 971 |
LB906 | Enrollment and Review ER186 filed | 971 |
LB1082A | Placed on Select File | 971 |
LR378CA | Harr AM2537 filed | 971 |
LR378CA | Harr AM2530 filed | 971 |
LR378CA | Harr AM2533 filed | 971 |
LR378CA | Kuehn AM2586 filed | 971 |
LB722A | Date of introduction | 972 |
LB722A | Placed on General File | 972 |
LB1003A | Date of introduction | 972 |
LB1003A | Placed on General File | 972 |
LR477 | Date of introduction | 972 |
LR477 | Laid over | 972 |
LB685 | Placed on General File with AM2475 | 973 |
LB685 | Revenue AM2475 filed | 973 |
LB884 | Placed on General File with AM2522 | 973 |
LB884 | Revenue AM2522 filed | 973 |
LB889 | Placed on General File with AM2490 | 973 |
LB889 | Revenue AM2490 filed | 973 |
LR403 | Report | 973 |
LR413 | Report | 973 |
LR418 | Report | 973 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2514 filed | 974 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2501 filed | 974 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2502 filed | 974 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2503 filed | 974 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2504 filed | 975 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2505 filed | 975 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2506 filed | 975 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2507 filed | 975 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2508 filed | 976 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2509 filed | 976 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2510 filed | 976 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2511 filed | 976 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2512 filed | 976 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2515 filed | 977 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2516 filed | 977 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2517 filed | 977 |
LB745 | Chambers AM2518 filed | 977 |
LB956 | Appropriations AM2216 adopted | 977 |
LB956 | Mello AM2560 filed | 978 |
LB956 | Mello AM2560 adopted | 978 |
LB956 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 979 |
LR478 | Date of introduction | 979 |
LR478 | Laid over | 979 |
LR479 | Date of introduction | 979 |
LR479 | Laid over | 979 |
LR480 | Date of introduction | 980 |
LR480 | Laid over | 980 |
LR481 | Date of introduction | 981 |
LR481 | Laid over | 981 |
LR482 | Date of introduction | 981 |
LR482 | Laid over | 981 |
LB467A | Date of introduction | 982 |
LB467A | Placed on General File | 982 |
LB768A | Date of introduction | 982 |
LB768A | Placed on General File | 982 |
LR483 | Date of introduction | 982 |
LR483 | Referred to Executive Board | 982 |
LB746A | Campbell AM2583 filed | 984 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2564 filed | 984 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2565 filed | 984 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2566 filed | 984 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2568 filed | 985 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2570 filed | 985 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2567 filed | 985 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2569 filed | 985 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2571 filed | 986 |
LB900 | Hilkemann AM2563 filed | 986 |
LB957 | Appropriations AM2217 adopted | 986 |
LB957 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 986 |
LB981 | Business and Labor AM2405 adopted | 987 |
LB981 | Harr AM2582 filed | 987 |
LB981 | Harr AM2582 adopted | 987 |
LB981 | Harr AM2579 filed | 987 |
LB981 | Harr AM2579 adopted | 987 |
LB981 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 987 |
LB698A | Campbell AM2593 filed | 988 |
LB930 | Sullivan AM2551 filed | 988 |
LB977A | Date of introduction | 988 |
LB977A | Placed on General File | 988 |
LR484 | Date of introduction | 988 |
LR484 | Laid over | 988 |
LB934 | Coash AM2544 filed | 989 |
LB960 | Appropriations AM2418 adopted | 989 |
LB960 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 989 |
LB960A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 989 |
LB901A | Date of introduction | 993 |
LB901A | Placed on General File | 993 |
LB908A | Date of introduction | 993 |
LB908A | Placed on General File | 993 |
LB990 | Fox name added | 994 |