Journal Summary for May 12th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 77

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB97A Placed on Final Reading 1423
LB402 Placed on Final Reading Second with ST9047 1423
LB463 Placed on Final Reading Second 1423
LB532 Placed on Final Reading 1423
LB63 Enrollment and Review ER8031 adopted 1424
LB63 Coash AM775 withdrawn 1424
LB63 Coash AM995 withdrawn 1424
LB63 Christensen AM1088 adopted 1424
LB63 Ashford AM1124 adopted 1424
LR116 Date of introduction 1424
LR116 Referred to Executive Board 1424
LR117 Date of introduction 1424
LR117 Referred to Executive Board 1425
LR118 Date of introduction 1425
LR118 Referred to Executive Board 1425
LR119 Date of introduction 1425
LR119 Referred to Executive Board 1426
LR120 Date of introduction 1426
LR120 Referred to Executive Board 1426
LR121 Date of introduction 1426
LR121 Referred to Executive Board 1427
LR122 Date of introduction 1427
LR122 Referred to Executive Board 1427
LR123 Date of introduction 1427
LB542 Cook explanation of vote 1428
LR123 Referred to Executive Board 1428
LB63 Ashford AM1128 withdrawn 1429
LB63 Ashford AM1337 adopted 1429
LB63 Pirsch AM758 withdrawn 1429
LB63 Ashford AM1308 adopted 1429
LB63 Howard AM1360 pending 1429
LB218 Placed on Select File with ER8132 1430
LB218 Enrollment and Review ER8132 filed 1430
LB218A Placed on Select File with ER8131 1430
LB218A Enrollment and Review ER8131 filed 1430
LB542 Placed on Select File with ER8130 1430
LB542 Enrollment and Review ER8130 filed 1430
LR124 Date of introduction 1430
LR124 Referred to Executive Board 1431
LR125 Date of introduction 1431
LR125 Laid over 1431
LB63 Howard AM1360 adopted 1432
LB63 Council AM1392 filed 1433
LB63 Council AM1392 lost 1433
LB9 Placed on Final Reading with ST9042 1434
LB63 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1434
LB63A Ashford AM1108 withdrawn 1434
LB63A Ashford AM1385 adopted 1434
LB63A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1434
LB112 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB187 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB195 Placed on Final Reading with ST9036 1435
LB232 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB246A Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB342 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB342A Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB476 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB476A Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB671 Placed on Final Reading 1435
LB671A Placed on Final Reading 1435
LR126 Date of introduction 1435
LR126 Referred to Executive Board 1435
LR127 Date of introduction 1436
LR127 Referred to Executive Board 1436
LR128 Date of introduction 1436
LB392 Enrollment and Review ER8125 adopted 1437
LR128 Referred to Executive Board 1437
LR129 Date of introduction 1437
LR129 Referred to Executive Board 1437
LB263 Enrollment and Review ER8123 adopted 1438
LB263 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1438
LB392 Adams AM1393 filed 1438
LB392 Adams AM1393 adopted 1438
LB392 Adams AM1395 filed 1438
LB392 Adams AM1395 adopted 1438
LB392 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1438
LB440 Council MO50 prevailed 1438
LB440 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1438
LB440 Council AM1233 adopted 1438
LB35 Enrollment and Review ER8067 adopted 1439
LB35 Pankonin AM934 withdrawn 1439
LB35 Ashford AM1095 adopted 1439
LB35 Ashford AM1287 adopted 1439
LB35 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1439
LB35A Ashford AM1087 adopted 1439
LB35A Ashford AM1101 adopted 1439
LB35A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1439
LB440 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1439
LB671 Pirsch AM1389 filed 1439