Journal Summary for February 27th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 35

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB403 Placed on Select File with ER8023 579
LB403 Enrollment and Review ER8023 filed 579
LB168 Placed on Select File 580
LB177 Placed on Select File 580
LB207 Placed on Select File 580
LB219 Placed on Select File with ER8024 580
LB219 Enrollment and Review ER8024 filed 580
LB219A Placed on Select File 580
LB328 Placed on General File 580
LB355 Placed on General File with AM445 580
LB355 General Affairs AM445 filed 580
LB377 Placed on Select File 580
LB93 Notice of hearing for March 10, 2009 581
LB334 Notice of hearing for March 10, 2009 581
LB372 Notice of hearing for March 09, 2009 581
LB384 Notice of hearing for March 09, 2009 581
LB543 Notice of hearing for March 09, 2009 581
LB564 Notice of hearing for March 23, 2009 581
LB628 Notice of hearing for March 23, 2009 581
LB629 Notice of hearing for March 23, 2009 581
LB649 Notice of hearing for March 10, 2009 581
LR10 Notice of hearing for March 23, 2009 581
LB24 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB75 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB80 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB85 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB87 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB99 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB100 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB101 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB123 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB166 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB189 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB192 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB251 Approved by Governor on February 26, 2009 582
LB307 Council priority bill 582
LB5 Failed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 31-17-1 584
LB5 Passed on Final Reading 30-18-1 584
LB668 Gay MO17 prevailed 584
LB668 Bill withdrawn 584
LB7 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 585
LB20 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 586
LB28 Passed on Final Reading 48-1-0 586
LB32 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 587
LB48 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 588
LB53 Passed on Final Reading 41-5-3 588
LB55 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 589
LB74 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 590
LB91 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 590
LB102 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 591
LB120 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 592
LB135 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 592
LB201 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 593
LB204 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 594
LB204 Fischer AM429 adopted 594
LB204 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 594
LB259 Dispensing of reading at large approved 594
LB259 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 594
LB331 Dispensing of reading at large approved 595
LB331 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 595
LB52 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 596
LB151 Stuthman AM300 adopted 596
LB151 Stuthman AM523 filed 596
LB151 Stuthman AM523 adopted 596
LB151 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 596
LB89 Enrollment and Review ER8021 adopted 597
LB89 Cornett AM452 adopted 597
LB89 Stuthman AM313 filed 597
LB89 Stuthman AM313 lost 597
LB90 Enrollment and Review ER8017 adopted 597
LB90 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 597
LB142 Enrollment and Review ER8018 adopted 597
LB142 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 597
LB379 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 597
LB5 Correctly Enrolled 598
LB5 President/Speaker signed 598
LB7 President/Speaker signed 598
LB20 President/Speaker signed 598
LB28 President/Speaker signed 598
LB32 President/Speaker signed 598
LB48 President/Speaker signed 598
LB53 President/Speaker signed 598
LB55 President/Speaker signed 598
LB74 President/Speaker signed 598
LB89 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 598
LB91 President/Speaker signed 598
LB102 President/Speaker signed 598
LB120 President/Speaker signed 598
LB135 President/Speaker signed 598
LB167 Enrollment and Review ER8022 adopted 598
LB167 Avery AM489 adopted 598
LB167 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 598
LB201 President/Speaker signed 598
LB231 Enrollment and Review ER8020 adopted 598
LB231 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 598
LB259 President/Speaker signed 598
LB331 President/Speaker signed 598
LB403 Ashford MO19 Permit cancellation of hearings on AM435 and AM491 filed 598
LB403 Ashford MO19 prevailed 598
LB403 Notice of hearing for March 5, 2009 on AM435 (cancel) 599
LB403 Notice of hearing for March 5, 2009 on AM491 (cancel) 599
LB427 Notice of hearing for March 18, 2009 (cancel) 599
LB427 Notice of hearing for March 25, 2009 (reschedule) 599
LB73 Placed on General File with AM468 600
LB73 Education AM468 filed 600
LB103 Placed on General File with AM404 601
LB103 Education AM404 filed 601
LB197 Placed on General File with AM464 601
LB197 Education AM464 filed 601
LB530 Placed on General File with AM376 604
LB530 Education AM376 filed 604
LB208 Placed on General File 605
LB292 Placed on General File with AM496 605
LB292 Judiciary AM496 filed 605
LB354 Placed on General File 605
LB387 Indefinitely postponed 605
LB534 Indefinitely postponed 605
LB112 Placed on General File 606
LB260 Rogert AM524 filed 606
LB483 Placed on General File with AM502 606
LB483 Natural Resources AM502 filed 606
LB483 Langemeier priority bill 607
LR39 Date of introduction 607
LR39 Laid over 607
LB5 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB7 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB20 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB28 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB32 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB48 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB53 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB55 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB74 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB91 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB98 Price name added 608
LB102 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB120 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB135 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB184 Schilz name withdrawn 608
LB201 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB259 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB331 Presented to Governor on February 27, 2009 608
LB647 McCoy name added 608