Journal Summary for March 31st, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 50

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LR320 Date of introduction 1179
LR320 Laid over 1179
LB1094 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1180
LB1094A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1180
LB880 Natural Resources AM1787 pending 1181
LB880 Pedersen AM2068 pending 1181
LB880 Pedersen AM2068 withdrawn 1181
LB880 Kopplin AM2288 withdrawn 1181
LB1094 President/Speaker signed 1181
LB1094A President/Speaker signed 1181
LB880 Kopplin AM2455 pending 1182
LB1094 Presented to Governor on March 31, 2008 1182
LB1094A Presented to Governor on March 31, 2008 1182
LR321 Date of introduction 1182
LR321 Referred to Executive Board 1183
LR322 Date of introduction 1183
LR322 Referred to Executive Board 1183
LR323 Date of introduction 1183
LR323 Referred to Executive Board 1183
LR324 Date of introduction 1184
LR324 Referred to Executive Board 1184
LR325 Date of introduction 1184
LB880 Chambers MO159 Bracket until April 17, 2008 filed 1185
LB880 Chambers MO159 prevailed 1185
LR325 Laid over 1185
LR326 Date of introduction 1185
LR326 Referred to Executive Board 1185
LR327 Date of introduction 1186
LR327 Referred to Executive Board 1186
LR328 Date of introduction 1186
LR328 Referred to Executive Board 1186
LR329 Date of introduction 1186
LR329 Referred to Executive Board 1187
LR330 Date of introduction 1187
LR330 Referred to Executive Board 1187
LR331 Date of introduction 1188
LR331 Referred to Executive Board 1188
LR332 Date of introduction 1188
LR332 Referred to Executive Board 1188
LB245 Health and Human Services AM542 pending 1189
LB245 Johnson AM2317 pending 1189
LB1147 Synowiecki AM2600 filed 1189
LB245 Langemeier FA256 filed 1190
LB844 McDonald AM2257 filed 1190
LR333 Date of introduction 1190
LR333 Referred to Executive Board 1191
LR334 Date of introduction 1191
LR334 Referred to Executive Board 1191
LR335 Date of introduction 1192
LR335 Referred to Executive Board 1192
LB1072 Placed on Select File with ER8228 1193
LB1072 Enrollment and Review ER8228 filed 1193
LB928 Placed on Select File with ER8230 1197
LB928 Enrollment and Review ER8230 filed 1197
LB245 Langemeier FA257 filed 1198
LB308A Placed on Select File 1198
LB736A Placed on Select File 1198
LB928A Placed on Select File 1198
LB853 Enrollment and Review ER8184 adopted 1199
LB853 Hudkins AM2114 pending 1199
LB853 Hudkins AM2616 filed 1199
LR336 Date of introduction 1199
LR336 Referred to Executive Board 1199
LB797 Approved by Governor on March 31, 2008 1201
LB822 Approved by Governor on March 31, 2008 1201
LB853 Hudkins AM2616 lost 1201
LB1096 Approved by Governor on March 31, 2008 1201
LR337 Date of introduction 1202
LR337 Referred to Executive Board 1203
LR338 Date of introduction 1203
LR338 Referred to Executive Board 1204
LR339 Date of introduction 1204
LR339 Referred to Executive Board 1204
LR340 Date of introduction 1204
LR340 Referred to Executive Board 1205
LR341 Date of introduction 1205
LR341 Referred to Executive Board 1206
LR342 Date of introduction 1206
LB847 Placed on General File with AM1745 1207
LB847 Judiciary AM1745 filed 1207
LR342 Referred to Executive Board 1207
LR343 Date of introduction 1207
LR343 Referred to Executive Board 1207
LB868 Placed on General File with AM2178 1208
LB868 Judiciary AM2178 filed 1208
LB986 Louden AM2625 filed 1208
LB1147 White AM2574 filed 1208
LB853 Hudkins AM2618 filed 1209
LB853 Hudkins AM2618 lost 1210
LB853 Hudkins AM2114 pending 1210
LB861 Indefinitely postponed 1210
LB1044 Indefinitely postponed 1210
LB1116 Placed on General File with AM2629 1210
LB1116 Agriculture AM2629 filed 1210
LB51 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LB302 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LB387 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LB971 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LB1117 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LB1166 Indefinitely postponed 1211
LR344 Date of introduction 1211
LR344 Referred to Executive Board 1211
LR345 Date of introduction 1211
LR345 Referred to Executive Board 1212
LR346 Date of introduction 1212
LR346 Referred to Executive Board 1212
LR347 Date of introduction 1213
LR347 Referred to Executive Board 1213
LR348 Date of introduction 1213
LR348 Referred to Executive Board 1213
LR349 Date of introduction 1213
LR349 President/Speaker signed 1214
LR350 Date of introduction 1214
LR350 Referred to Executive Board 1214
LR351 Date of introduction 1214
LR351 Laid over 1215
LR352 Date of introduction 1215
LR352 Referred to Executive Board 1215
LR353 Date of introduction 1215
LR353 Referred to Executive Board 1215
LR354 Date of introduction 1215
LR354 Referred to Executive Board 1216
LR355 Date of introduction 1216
LR355 Referred to Executive Board 1216
LB1153 Adams AM2610 filed 1217
LB853 Hudkins AM2114 lost 1220
LB853 Hudkins MO160 Reconsider the vote taken on AM2114 filed 1221
LB853 Hudkins MO160 failed 1222
LB853 Pahls MO161 Invoke cloture filed 1222
LB853 Pahls MO161 prevailed 1223
LB853 Hudkins AM2354 lost 1223
LB853 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1223
LR356 Date of introduction 1224
LR356 Referred to Executive Board 1224
LR357 Date of introduction 1224
LR357 Referred to Executive Board 1224
LR358 Date of introduction 1224
LR358 Referred to Executive Board 1225
LR359 Date of introduction 1225
LR359 Referred to Executive Board 1225
LR360 Date of introduction 1225
LR360 Referred to Executive Board 1226
LR361 Date of introduction 1226
LR361 Referred to Executive Board 1226
LR362 Date of introduction 1226
LR362 Referred to Executive Board 1230
LR363 Date of introduction 1230
LR363 Referred to Executive Board 1231
LR364 Date of introduction 1231
LR364 Referred to Executive Board 1231
LR365 Date of introduction 1231
LR365 Referred to Executive Board 1232
LR366 Date of introduction 1232
LR366 Referred to Executive Board 1232
LR367 Date of introduction 1232
LR367 Referred to Executive Board 1233
LR368 Date of introduction 1233
LR368 Referred to Executive Board 1233
LB765 Placed on Final Reading with ST9082 1234
LB777 Placed on Final Reading 1234
LB889 Placed on Final Reading 1234
LB952 Placed on Final Reading with ST9080 1234
LR369 Date of introduction 1234
LR369 Referred to Executive Board 1234
LB973 Placed on Final Reading 1235
LB988 Placed on Final Reading with ST9081 1235
LB988A Placed on Final Reading with ST9077 1236
LB1049 Placed on Final Reading with ST9079 1236
LB1055 Placed on Final Reading with ST9078 1236
LB1157 Placed on Final Reading 1236
LB1157A Placed on Final Reading 1236
LB846 Erdman AM2602 filed 1237
LB911A Placed on General File 1237
LB911A Date of introduction 1237
LB1154A Placed on General File 1237
LB1154A Date of introduction 1237
LB1174 Agriculture AM2319 pending 1237
LB1174 Stuthman FA252 pending 1237
LB895 Janssen AM2590 filed 1240
LB895 Cornett AM2601 filed 1240
LB895 McDonald AM2617 filed 1240
LB1001 White AM2632 filed 1241
LB965 Raikes AM2638 filed 1242
LR370 Date of introduction 1244
LR370 Referred to Executive Board 1245
LR371 Date of introduction 1245
LR371 Referred to Executive Board 1245
LR372 Date of introduction 1245
LR372 Referred to Executive Board 1246
LR373 Date of introduction 1246
LR373 Referred to Executive Board 1246
LR374 Date of introduction 1246
LR374 Referred to Executive Board 1246
LR375 Date of introduction 1247
LR375 Referred to Executive Board 1247
LB1154 Raikes AM2639 filed 1248
LB1174 Stuthman FA252 withdrawn 1248
LB1174 Stuthman FA253 withdrawn 1248
LB1174 Stuthman FA254 withdrawn 1248
LB1174 Stuthman FA255 withdrawn 1248
LB911 Fischer AM2180 filed 1250
LB911 Kopplin AM2634 filed 1250