Journal Summary for March 12th, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 44

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB73A McGill, 26 name added 0
LB162A Fischer, 43 name added 0
LB253A Rogert, 16 name added 0
LB233 Speaker priority bill 210
LB25 Correctly Reengrossed 807
LB53 Placed on General File 807
LB67 Correctly Reengrossed 807
LB211A Correctly Reengrossed 807
LB469 Placed on General File 807
LB410 Indefinitely postponed 808
LB417 Placed on General File 808
LB445 Placed on General File 808
LB173 Indefinitely postponed 809
LB338 Placed on General File 809
LB343 Placed on General File 809
LB514 Indefinitely postponed 809
LB551 Placed on General File 809
LB569 Indefinitely postponed 809
LB627 Placed on General File 809
LB112 Speaker priority bill 810
LB144 Speaker priority bill 810
LB157 Chambers MO00030 Failed 810
LB171 Speaker priority bill 810
LB177 Speaker priority bill 810
LB188 Speaker priority bill 810
LB208 Speaker priority bill 810
LB219 Speaker priority bill 810
LB246 Speaker priority bill 810
LB274 Speaker priority bill 810
LB285 Speaker priority bill 810
LB289 Speaker priority bill 810
LB292 Speaker priority bill 810
LB351 Speaker priority bill 810
LB351 Placed on General File 810
LB358 Speaker priority bill 810
LB389 Speaker priority bill 810
LB404 Speaker priority bill 810
LB471 Speaker priority bill 810
LB530 Speaker priority bill 810
LB540 Speaker priority bill 810
LB565 Speaker priority bill 810
LB622 Speaker priority bill 810
LB646 Speaker priority bill 810
LB664 Speaker priority bill 810
LR2CA Speaker priority resolution 810
LB73A Date of introduction 811
LB73A Placed on General File 811
LB162A Date of introduction 811
LB162A Placed on General File 811
LB233 Placed on General File 811
LB253A Date of introduction 811
LB253A Placed on General File 811
LB622 Placed on General File 811
LB7 Indefinitely postponed 812
LB61 Indefinitely postponed 812
LB135 Indefinitely postponed 812
LB212 Indefinitely postponed 812
LB284 Indefinitely postponed 812
LB405 Howard, 9 name added 813