Journal Summary for February 6th, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 24

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB12A Added Introducer 'Mines, 18' 0
LB549A Added Introducer 'Synowiecki, 7' 0
LB549A Date of introduction 481
LB549A Placed on General File 481
LB236 Notice of hearing (2/14) 482
LB369 Notice of hearing (2/22) 482
LB397 Notice of hearing (2/14) 482
LB417 Notice of hearing (2/23) 482
LB445 Notice of hearing (2/23) 482
LB469 Notice of hearing (2/23) 482
LB480 Notice of hearing (2/23) 482
LB481 Notice of hearing (2/15) 482
LB482 Notice of hearing (2/14) 482
LB523 Notice of hearing (2/14) 482
LB555 Notice of hearing (2/14) 482
LB610 Notice of hearing (2/22) 482
LB616 Notice of hearing (2/22) 482
LB617 Notice of hearing (2/22) 482
LB631 Notice of hearing (2/15) 482
LB670 Notice of hearing (2/22) 482
LB699 Notice of hearing (2/15) 482
LB34 Placed on General File 483
LB204A Advanced to E and R Initial 483
LB402 Placed on General File 483
LB549 Chambers FA11 Adopted 483
LB549 Advanced to E and R Initial 483
LB557 Bill Withdrawn 483
LB196 Notice of hearing (2/14) 484
LB232 Notice of hearing (2/14) 484
LB233 Notice of hearing (2/21) 484
LB252 Notice of hearing (2/28) 484
LB256 Notice of hearing (2/15) 484
LB269 Notice of hearing (2/21) 484
LB300 Notice of hearing (2/14) 484
LB348 Notice of hearing (2/21) 484
LB352 Notice of hearing (2/28) 484
LB388 Notice of hearing (2/15) 484
LB392 Notice of hearing (2/21) 484
LB394 Notice of hearing (2/22) 484
LB396 Notice of hearing (2/15) 484
LB408 Notice of hearing (2/15) 484
LB433 Notice of hearing (2/22) 484
LB460 Notice of hearing (2/22) 484
LB477 Notice of hearing (2/28) 484
LB497 Notice of hearing (2/14) 484
LB528 Notice of hearing (3/1) 484
LB539 Notice of hearing (2/22) 484
LB572 Notice of hearing (2/28) 484
LB646 Notice of hearing (3/1) 484
LB686 Notice of hearing (3/1) 484
LB694 Notice of hearing (3/1) 484
LR14 Notice of hearing (2/28) 484
LB12A Date of introduction 485
LB12A Placed on General File 485
LB211 Com AM177 Adopted 485
LB211 Cornett AM59 Adopted 485
LB211 Chambers FA12 Adopted 485
LB211 Advanced to E and R Initial 485