Journal Summary for January 18th, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 11

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Document Description Journal Page
LB101 Added Introducer 'Pedersen, 39' 308
LB105 Added Introducer 'Howard, 9' 308
LB352 Rereferred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 309
LB387 Rereferred to Urban Affairs Committee 309
LB463 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 309
LB464 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 309
LB465 Referred to Judiciary Committee 309
LB466 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 309
LB467 Referred to Judiciary Committee 309
LB468 Referred to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee 309
LB469 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 309
LB470 Referred to Judiciary Committee 309
LB471 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 309
LB472 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 309
LB473 Referred to Education Committee 309
LB474 Referred to Judiciary Committee 309
LB475 Referred to Judiciary Committee 309
LB476 Referred to Judiciary Committee 310
LB477 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 310
LB478 Referred to Judiciary Committee 310
LB479 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB480 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB481 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB482 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB484 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB485 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB486 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 310
LB487 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB488 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB489 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 310
LB490 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB491 Referred to Judiciary Committee 310
LB492 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB493 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 310
LB494 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB495 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 310
LB496 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB497 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 310
LB498 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB499 Referred to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee 310
LB500 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 310
LB501 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB502 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB503 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 310
LB504 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 310
LB505 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 310
LB506 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB507 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB508 Referred to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee 310
LB509 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB510 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB511 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB512 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB513 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB514 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB516 Referred to Agriculture Committee 310
LB517 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 310
LB518 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB519 Referred to Revenue Committee 310
LB520 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB521 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB522 Referred to Judiciary Committee 310
LB523 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 310
LB524 Referred to Education Committee 310
LB525 Referred to Judiciary Committee 310
LB526 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB527 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 311
LB528 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 311
LB529 Referred to Education Committee 311
LB530 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 311
LB531 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB532 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB533 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB534 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 311
LB535 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB536 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB537 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB538 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 311
LB539 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 311
LB540 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB541 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB542 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB543 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 311
LB544 Referred to General Affairs Committee 311
LB545 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB546 Referred to General Affairs Committee 311
LB547 Referred to Education Committee 311
LB548 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB549 Referred to General Affairs Committee 311
LB550 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 311
LB551 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB552 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB553 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB554 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB555 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 311
LB556 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB557 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB558 Referred to Education Committee 311
LB559 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB560 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 311
LB561 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 311
LB562 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 311
LB563 Referred to Education Committee 311
LB564 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB565 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB566 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB567 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB568 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 311
LB569 Referred to Revenue Committee 311
LB570 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 311
LB571 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB572 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 311
LB573 Referred to Judiciary Committee 311
LB574 Referred to Appropriations Committee 311
LB1 Advanced to E and R Initial 312
LB2 Advanced to E and R Initial 312
LB23 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB270 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB291 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB299 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB304 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB444 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB456 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB459 Notice of hearing (1/25) 312
LB575 Referred to Revenue Committee 312
LB576 Referred to Appropriations Committee 312
LB577 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 312
LB578 Referred to General Affairs Committee 312
LB579 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 312
LB580 Referred to Judiciary Committee 312
LB11 Placed on General File 313
LB25 Placed on General File 313
LB28 Placed on General File 313
LB79 Placed on General File 313
LB90 Indefinitely postponed 313
LB161 Placed on General File 313
LB335 Notice of hearing (1/25) 313
LB341 Notice of hearing (1/25) 313
LB35 Added Introducer 'Mines, 18' 314
LB83 Notice of hearing (1/25) 314
LB96 Notice of hearing (1/25) 314
LB182 Deleted Introducer 'McDonald, 41' 314
LB201 Notice of hearing (1/25) 314
LB227 Added Introducer 'Schimek, 27' 314
LB258 Added Introducer 'Howard, 9' 314
LB536 Added Introducer 'Kruse, 13' 314
LB536 Added Introducer 'Nantkes, 46' 314
LB545 Added Introducer 'Howard, 9' 314