Introduced Legislation for May 10th, 2021

107th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 75

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LR133 Murman Recognize Tim Kolb for his service to Nebraskans with disabilities and the State of Nebraska and extend sympathy to his family
LR132 Dorn Recognize Larry J. Dix for his service to the State of Nebraska and congratulate him on his retirement as executive director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials
LR131 Hansen, M. Interim study to examine the lack of affordable housing in Nebraska
LR130 Hunt Request cooperation regarding taking decisive action to minimize the impacts of climate change and to prevent further damage to our planet and our ecosystems
LB649A Flood Appropriation Bill
LB258A Vargas Appropriation Bill
LB147A Kolterman Appropriation Bill