Hearings for January 31st, 2024

108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 19

The order of the bills listed may not be the order in which they are heard that day in committee.

Location: Room 1003
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: Agency 11
Description: Attorney General
Document: Agency 14
Description: Public Service Commission
Document: Agency 41
Description: State Real Estate Commission
Document: Agency 54
Description: Historical Society, Nebraska State
Document: Agency 58
Description: Board of Engineers and Architects
Document: LB1077
Introducer: McDonnell
Description: Appropriate funds to the Department of Labor to provide grants for facility expansion relating to workforce development and career readiness programs
Document: LB1226
Introducer: Clements
Description: Appropriate funds to the Legislative Council
Executive Board
Location: Room 2102
Time: 12:00 PM
Document: LB1286
Introducer: Walz
Description: Provide for an assessment of economic impact by the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
Document: LB1104
Introducer: Aguilar
Description: Change fees for lobbyist registration and change distribution of such fees
Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Location: Room 1507
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB861
Introducer: Linehan
Description: Change procedures to remove a name from a petition under the Election Act
Document: LB1070
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Change closing dates and filing deadlines for campaign statements of ballot question committees
Document: LB1068
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Change provisions relating to the appointment, certification, and convening of presidential electors
Note: LB 1068 will be a combined hearing with LB 1152
Document: LB1152
Introducer: Brewer
Description: Change provisions relating to elections, motor vehicle operators' licenses, and state identification cards
Note: LB 1152 will be a combined hearing with LB 1068
Health and Human Services
Location: Room 1510
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1035
Introducer: Hughes
Description: Adopt the Prescription Drug Donation Program Act
Document: LB1060
Introducer: Hansen
Description: Provide an exemption from newborn screening
Document: LB1171
Introducer: Hardin
Description: Change verification requirements for pharmacy technicians
Document: LB1196
Introducer: Ballard
Description: Change provisions relating to registration of medication aides
Document: LB1215
Introducer: Hansen
Description: Adopt the Dietitian Licensure Compact and the Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact, change provisions relating to prescriptions, death certificates, credentialing of barbers, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacy professionals, and certain health care facilities and services, treatment of individuals with communicable tuberculosis, and telehealth consultations, and provide for abstracts of death and coverage under the medical assistance program for certain breast pumps and lactation visits
Location: Room 1113
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB846
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Adopt the Bed Bug Detection and Treatment Act
Document: LB845
Introducer: Hunt
Description: Prohibit eviction of certain tenants during the school year
Document: LB1115
Introducer: Dungan
Description: Provide a right to a trial by jury under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
Document: LB1312
Introducer: Dover
Description: Provide for electronic notices by landlords under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
Document: LB884
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Change provisions relating to medicaid estate recovery
Document: LB902
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Prohibit assisted-living facilities from requiring a third-party guarantee of payment
Document: LB1168
Introducer: DeBoer
Description: Adopt the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act
Natural Resources
Location: Room 1525
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB971
Introducer: Lippincott
Description: Provide for a free hunting permit for veterans to hunt on Veterans Day
Document: LB867
Introducer: Bostelman
Description: Provide for a voluntary hunting and fishing guide and outfitter database, a migratory waterfowl hunting season for veterans, active-duty military state park entry permits, change provisions relating to the Nebraska Power Review Board and the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund, and prohibit restrictions on the provision of services related to natural gas and propane
Document: LB1406
Introducer: Sanders
Description: Provide for an active-duty military permit for state park entry
Testimony limited to 3 minutes
Location: Room 1524
Time: 1:30 PM
Document: LB1113
Introducer: Meyer
Description: Change provisions relating to the types of property receiving a property tax exemption under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
Document: LB1049
Introducer: Bostar
Description: Change the amount authorized for the municipal occupation tax on telecommunications companies
Document: LB1316
Introducer: Linehan
Description: Eliminate provisions relating to the base growth percentage for school districts under the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
Document: LB1397
Introducer: Murman
Description: Redefine agricultural land and horticultural land for property tax purposes
Document: LB1318
Introducer: Linehan
Description: Change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act and change provisions relating to certain transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
Document: LB1241
Introducer: von Gillern
Description: Change provisions relating to property tax levy limits