Agenda for March 4th, 2024

108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 37

Thirty-Seventh Day

Monday, March 4, 2024

10:00 a.m.

One Hundred Eighth Legislature

Second Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Document Introducer Description
LB771A Sanders Appropriation Bill

The following rules apply to Consent Calendar:

  • If any five members of the Legislature object to the bill being considered on Consent Calendar, please advise the Clerk in writing. Such requests must be filed with the Clerk prior to the reading of the bill, at this stage of consideration, on the bill to be removed.
  • Upon either the completion of debate or the expiration of 15 minutes, whichever comes first, a vote shall be taken to advance the bill and on any pending motions or amendments pursuant to Rule 5, Section 6(d).
  • Any amendment adopted, other than the standing committee amendment, which adds new subject matter to the bill will result in the bill not being scheduled at the next stage of debate.
Document Introducer Description
LB1118 McKinney Change the process for a mayor in a city of the second class to remove an officer from office
LB1143 Health and Human Services Committee Eliminate provisions relating to certain health districts
LB877 Holdcroft Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB998 Conrad Adopt the State Acceptance of Gifts Act
LB1162 Lowe Change provisions relating to fees and mileage for sheriffs and constables
LB851 Jacobson Change provisions relating to internship grants
Document Introducer Description
LB43 Sanders Adopt the First Freedom Act and the Personal Privacy Protection Act, authorize tribal regalia to be worn by students, change provisions relating to withholding records from the public, provide requirements for interpretation of statutes, rules, and regulations, and prohibit state agencies from imposing certain requirements on charitable organizations
LB1087 Jacobson Adopt the Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Act and provide duties for the Nebraska Center for Nursing
LB905 Riepe Require the Department of Health and Human Services to submit a medicaid waiver or state plan amendment for medical respite care, change the definition of respite care, and change provisions relating to the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund
LB61 Brandt Change provisions relating to regulation of dark fiber
LB1104 Aguilar Change fees for lobbyist registration and change distribution of such fees
Document Introducer Description
LB204 Riepe Provide for reimbursement for pharmacy dispensing fees under the medical assistance program
LB198 McDonnell Change provisions relating to participation in and implementation of public retirement provisions
LB304 Linehan Require political subdivisions to disclose membership dues and lobbying fees
LB938 Brandt Change provisions of the County Purchasing Act
LB644 McDonnell Change provisions relating to the use of the Site and Building Development Fund
LB895 Sanders Change provisions relating to recruitment and retention for the Nebraska National Guard
Document Introducer Description
LB894 Ibach Change provisions relating to election, appointment, qualifications, and training of county sheriffs
LB906 Riepe Change provisions relating to child labor laws
LB607 McDonnell Change provisions relating to grants for the 211 Information and Referral Network
LB839 Lowe Change provisions relating to the executive director and members of the State Racing and Gaming Commission
LB834 Blood Establish requirements for a resident dental license
Document Introducer Description
LB1313 Dover Provide for regulation of health benefit plans for nonprofit agricultural organizations
Document Introducer Description
LB1215 Hansen Adopt the Dietitian Licensure Compact and the Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact, change provisions relating to prescriptions, death certificates, credentialing of barbers, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacy professionals, and certain health care facilities and services, treatment of individuals with communicable tuberculosis, and telehealth consultations, and provide for abstracts of death and coverage under the medical assistance program for certain breast pumps and lactation visits
LB1200 Moser Change provisions relating to motor vehicles, roads, excise taxes, and federal law and regulations and provide for coordination of the 911 service system and the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline
LB904 DeBoer Change provisions regarding child care reimbursement rates, create the Intergenerational Care Facility Incentive Grant Program, and provide for use of the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund
LB1204 Cavanaugh, J. Change provisions relating to certain lotteries and raffles, certain tobacco and nicotine delivery products, the State Lottery Act, the Nebraska Liquor Control Act, the Tobacco Products Tax Act, and public records

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.