Agenda for May 21st, 2015

104th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 85

Eighty-Fifth Day

Thursday, May 21, 2015

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Fourth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
FINAL READING (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8)
Document Introducer Description
LB623e Nordquist Provide for issuance of motor vehicle operators' licenses and state ID cards to persons with lawful status
*LB70e Schumacher Authorize an occupation tax on certain mechanical amusement devices
LB70Ae Schumacher Appropriation Bill
LB81 Cook Change provisions relating to eligibility for child care assistance and require a report regarding transitional childcare assistance programs
LB81A Cook Appropriation Bill
LB106 Watermeier Provide for an assessment matrix for zoning purposes
LB106A Watermeier Appropriation Bill
LB156e Stinner Change the amount of credits allowed and reporting requirements under the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
*LB175e Schilz Adopt the Livestock Growth Act and Community Gardens Act and change provisions of the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act and the Nebraska Seed Law
LB183 Johnson Change provisions relating to the Grain Dealer Act
*LB196 Campbell Change provisions of the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act
LB199 Howard Provide for stipends for social work students
LB199A Howard Appropriation Bill
LB200 Davis Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide duties for the Department of Revenue
LB200A Davis Appropriation Bill
*LB226 Coash Authorize crowdfunding as prescribed and exempt crowdfunding under the Securities Act of Nebraska
*LB231 Smith Provide for regulation and operation of autocycles
*LB243e Bolz Create a pilot project relating to family finding services and change the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act
LB243A Bolz Appropriation Bill
*LB259 Gloor Adopt the Personal Property Tax Relief Act and provide and change tax exemptions and taxation of personal property
LB259A Gloor Appropriation Bill
*LB265e Campbell Change provisions relating to juveniles and child welfare
LB265A Krist Appropriation Bill
*LB292 Coash Change and eliminate provisions relating to the central registry of child protection cases and sex offender registration
LB292A Coash Appropriation Bill
*LB320e Bolz Adopt the Aging and Disability Resource Center Demonstration Project Act and require a state plan regarding persons with Alzheimer's or related disorders
LB320A Bolz Appropriation Bill
*LB325 Davis Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts
LB329 Schilz Adopt the Nebraska Agritourism Promotion Act
*LB330e Larson Change provisions relating to alcoholic liquor
LB330Ae Larson Appropriation Bill
*LB347 Krist Expand the jurisdiction of the Inspector General to include juvenile justice services and allow access to certain records and information
LB347A Krist Appropriation Bill
*LB361 Harr Clarify that certain assessments levied as prescribed are levied and collected as special assessments
LB366 Pansing Brooks Change the personal needs allowance under the Medical Assistance Act
LB366A Pansing Brooks Appropriation Bill
LB382 Cook Change provisions of the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and state intent relating to certain transfers
LB382A Cook Appropriation Bill
*LB390e Crawford Provide for medical use of cannabidiol and naloxone and change controlled substances schedules and transfers to the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB390Ae Crawford Appropriation Bill
LB419 Mello Exempt certain sales and purchases by certain zoos and aquariums from sales and use tax
*LB469e Smith Provide procedures and reporting requirements relating to a state plan on carbon dioxide emissions, require a strategic state energy plan, and provide requirements for meteorological evaluation towers
LB469A Smith Appropriation Bill
*LB480 Harr Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB500e Howard Require application for a medicaid state plan amendment for multisystemic therapy
LB500A Howard Appropriation Bill
LB504 Krist Change provisions relating to presentence reports and psychiatric examinations and provide access to substance abuse evaluations
LB504A Krist Appropriation Bill
*LB525 Sullivan Change provisions relating to education
*LB538 Legislative Performance Audit Committee Require audits of tax incentive programs under the Legislative Performance Audit Act and change tax incentive sunset dates
LB538A Watermeier Appropriation Bill
*LB539e Watermeier Change provisions relating to the office of Legislative Audit and the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB547 Campbell Change provisions regarding use of federal block grant funds for child care activities and provide for grants to early childhood education programs
LB547A Campbell Appropriation Bill
LB559e Schumacher Change provisions relating to the treatment of tax credits under the New Markets Job Growth Investment Act
*LB566 Coash Change provisions relating to Indian child welfare
LB566A Coash Appropriation Bill
*LB591e Bolz Create the achieve a better life experience program, provide adjustments to taxable income, and adjust calculations of certain tax deductions and homestead exemptions
LB591Ae Bolz Appropriation Bill
*LB598 Schumacher Adopt the Office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System Act and change and provide requirements regarding inmates with mental illness, levels of confinement, parole, and prison overcrowding
*LB598A Schumacher Appropriation Bill
*LB605 Mello Provide, change, and eliminate penalties, punishments, sentencing, restitution, probation, parole, and crime victim provisions and provide for post-release supervision, grants, and suspension of medical assistance for inmates
LB605A Mello Appropriation Bill
*LB607e Mello Change provisions relating to aid to dependent children and create the Intergenerational Poverty Task Force
LB607A Campbell Appropriation Bill
*LB629e Mello Provide for regulation of transportation network companies
LB629Ae Mello Appropriation Bill
LB642 Garrett Change provisions relating to motorboat, motor vehicle, and trailer registration and titling and eliminate a fee for certain license plates
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR351 Mello Congratulate the Steamfitters and Plumbers Local Union 464 on its 100th anniversary
LR352 Mello Proclaim August 4, 2015, as National Night Out In Nebraska
LR353 Davis Congratulate Gordon Memorial Hospital on being named one of the iVantage Health Analytics Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States
LR354 Davis Congratulate Rachel Ostrander on winning the 2015 Peter Kiewit Student Entrepreneurial Award
LR355 Campbell Commend the veterans who served on the USS Oriskany and welcome to Nebraska those who will attend the 25th USS Oriskany reunion on October 4-7, 2015

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.