Agenda for May 20th, 2013

103rd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 80

Eightieth Day

Monday, May 20, 2013

10:00 a.m.

One Hundred Third Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
FINAL READING: BUDGET AND STATE CLAIMS BILLS (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8)
Document Introducer Description
LB196e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB197e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
*LB195e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Appropriate funds for state government expenses
*LB198e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Appropriate funds for capital construction and property acquisition
*LB199e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Provide fund transfers, create funds, authorize the sale of lands, and change provisions relating to grants as prescribed
LB200e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund
*LB194e Speaker Adams, at the request of the Governor Provide for deficit appropriations
LB536e Business and Labor Committee Approve claims against the state
FINAL READING (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8)
Document Introducer Description
*LB6e Krist Create the Nebraska Commission on Problem Gambling
LB6Ae Krist Appropriation Bill
LB242 Howard Change provisions relating to administrative rules and regulations
*LB265e Coash Adopt the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act and change foster care licensure and kinship home and relative home provisions
FINAL READING: Motions to return to Select File for a specific amendment
Document Introducer Description
LB225 Smith Adopt the Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Act
LB225A Smith Appropriation Bill
Document Introducer Description
LB306A Nordquist Appropriation Bill
LB583A Haar Appropriation Bill
Document Introducer Description
LB308 Schumacher Change provisions relating to the federal alternative minimum tax and net operating losses and capital losses
LB573 Harr Change provisions relating to an adjustment to income for certain capital gains and extraordinary dividends
LB224 Janssen Provide a preference for awarding state contracts to resident disabled veterans and certain businesses
Document Introducer Description
LB331 Harms Change provisions relating to postsecondary education grants and the Postsecondary Institution Act
LB368 Crawford Create a subsidized employment pilot program within the Department of Health and Human Services
LB368A Crawford Appropriation Bill
LB348 Harr Change provisions relating to the assessment of certain rent-restricted housing projects
4:30 P.M. -- GENERAL FILE: 2013 SPEAKER PRIORITY BILLS -- "Howard Division"
Document Introducer Description
LB298 McCoy Change provisions relating to controlled substances schedules
LB34 Hadley Change provisions of the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB326 Howard Change provisions of Pharmacy Practice Act and Automated Medication Systems Act
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR203 Haar Declare September 17 as Constitution Day in the State of Nebraska
LR204 Brasch Extend sympathy to the family of Bill Orr
LR217 Nordquist Extend sympathy to the family of Rich Lang
LR220 Janssen Extend sympathy to the family of Arch Lustberg
LR225 Lathrop Recognize the work of Dave Garland and his many contributions to the education of Nebraska's young people
LR229 Smith Recognize Dr. Rick Black for his accomplishments and recognize the forty years he has dedicated to education

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.