Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for McCoy, 39 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR625 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School cheer and dance teams on their victories at the 2016 Class B state cheer and dance championships | |
LR624 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Douglas County West Elementary School on being recognized as a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School | |
LR616 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Tom Ramsbottom for being named the State Athletic Administrator of the Year for 2011-2012 | |
LR615 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate George Conrad on his retirement and thank him for his dedication to education | |
LR592 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Referral | Interim study to examine autism and the ways in which the educational, medical, and insurance industries can collaborate to provide successful treatment to children |
LR565 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the individuals from Legislative District 39 for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR487 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Urge Congress to enact comprehensive health care reform |
LR467 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class B girls' state championship | |
LR462 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Referral | Interim study to examine whether Nebraska's insurance laws should be amended to address the sale of ancillary service contracts and ancillary protection product warranties |
LR423 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Interim study to examine the way Nebraska awards electoral votes in presidential elections | |
LR380 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship | |
LR379 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' golf team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship | |
LR371 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Request for a federal amendments convention limited to amending the Constitution of the United States providing that an increase in the federal debt requires certain approval |
LR366 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Recognize Aaron and Erin Ruskamp and their family for their efforts to raise awareness of anencephaly | |
LR364 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn High School football team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship | |
LR363 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Samantha Mannix on winning the Number 1 singles finals in the 2015 Class B girls' state championship | |
LR361 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Donald McPherson and Lester Arasmith on being award the Congressional Gold Medal | |
LR359 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Extend gratitude to Kali Smith and her family for their support of Tyler's Law | |
LR343 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Cooper Knaak on being named a member of the Omaha World-Herald's 2015 All State Academic Team | |
LR342 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Ethan Copple on being named the Nebraska Eagle Scout of the Year and the Nebraska VFW Scout of the Year | |
LR341 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate John E. Beeson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR313 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Boy Scouts of America on celebrating its 100th anniversary | |
LR289CA | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to prohibit laws that restrict or interfere with choice of health care plans or direct payment for medical services |
LR280 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Referral | Interim study to examine whether insurance laws should be amended to protect homeowners from home improvement or home repair contractor fraud as it relates to insurance claims |
LR238 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Celia McCaslin on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest | |
LR237 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Ben Cross, David Connolly, Connor Krecklow, CJ Monahan, Kyle Tompkins, Dylan Stamm, Ryan Soderquist, John-Mark Connolly, and Matthew Meacham on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR236 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Julie Classen-Cruscuolo on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest | |
LR211 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Referral | Interim study to examine synthetic recreational drugs that are marketed and sold as incense |
LR181 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Interim study to examine the feasibility and benefits of restructuring the natural resources districts | |
LR145 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Jack Hoffman for his Husker spring football game touchdown and recognize his courageous personal struggle with brain cancer | |
LR140 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn High School dance team on winning the Hip Hop division at the 2015 Class B state championships | |
LR126 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Mount Michael Benedictine High School academic decathlon team on winning the 2015 Nebraska Academic Decathlon | |
LR122 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Interim study to examine the feasibility of making the Game and Parks Commission a code agency | |
LR90 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Thomas D. Rhodes for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR89 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Cameron Opfer for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR78 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Cody Gelvin for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR44 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Tyler Meuret for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR28 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Mount Michael Benedictine High School boys' cross country team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship | |
LR27 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship | |
LR26 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' golf team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship | |
LR25 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Elyse Mancuso for winning the Jeopardy! Teen Tournament | |
LR21 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Recognize mothers of children with omphaloceles for their courageous efforts to advocate for their children | |
LR16 (1st Special) |
101 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Father Stephen Plank for being named Nebraska's Outstanding World Language Teacher for 2009 | |
LR4 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Congratulate Dean Gorsuch for winning the steer wrestling world championship at the 2010 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo | |
LB1086 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to determination of the state unemployment insurance tax rate |
LB1054A | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1054 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change contract coverage under the Motor Vehicle Service Contract Reimbursement Insurance Act |
LB944 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit campaign expenditures for personal services of elective officeholders |
LB943 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Adopt the Insured Homeowners Protection Act |
LB942 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change certain notice provisions under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act |
LB917 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures for donation of real property to the Northeast Community College Area |
LB912 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for local laws regulating discrimination |
LB854 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to business entity dissolution and reinstatement |
LB853 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to secured transactions filing information |
LB852 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to corporations and professional corporations |
LB826 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a study relating to education incentives for high-need occupations |
LB807 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Require automobile liability policies to be issued for a minimum term |
LB782 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Require that reports submitted to the Legislature be submitted electronically |
LB777 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to presidential electors |
LB742 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Provide requirements for settled claims and settlement agreements involving public entities and provide that such claims and agreements are public records |
LB738 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to the substitution of trustee under the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act |
LB716 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change municipal powers within extraterritorial jurisdiction |
LB714 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Update references and change provisions in the Real Property Appraiser Act |
LB700 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Require certain construction and remodeling work to be supervised as prescribed in order to obtain a building permit |
LB699 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Require information obtained pursuant to certain arrests be forwarded to federal immigration authorities |
LB670 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax valuations of agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB669 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Transfer cash reserve funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB548 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change, transfer, and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities |
LB494 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Require animal health care professionals to report cases of animal abuse and change dangerous dog provisions |
LB478 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act |
LB467 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Require voter approval for annexation of cities or villages |
LB406 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change tax provisions |
LB405 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate certain sales tax exemptions, corporate and individual income taxes, and the franchise tax and change other tax provisions |
LB367 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors |
LB366 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board |
LB347 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Authorize interest-bearing trust accounts under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB303 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Eliminate restriction on investment in certain corporations doing business in Northern Ireland |
LB298 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to controlled substances schedules |
LB257 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to creation of municipal counties |
LB222 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions regarding certain reports submitted electronically to the Legislature |
LB219 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Health Care Freedom Act |
LB207A | 103 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB207 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change motor vehicle registration provisions |
LB167 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors |
LB157 | 101 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt state vehicles from carrying uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage |
LB114 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine ambulatory surgical center and health clinic under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act |
LB73 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change interstate simulcast facility license requirements |
LB72 | 103 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to use of interest-bearing trust accounts under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB44 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to power of sale conferred upon a trustee |
LB43 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Change provisions relating to trust deeds |
LB30 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit disclosure of any applicant or permitholder information regarding firearms registration, possession, sale, or use as prescribed |
LB29 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to school health inspections |
LB22 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Adopt the Mandate Opt-Out and Insurance Coverage Clarification Act |
LB21 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to ballots cast by presidential electors |
LB20 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Regulate the sale of methamphetamine precursors |
LB19 | 102 | Sen McCoy | Passed | Prohibit the use of certain drug substances as prescribed |
LB10 | 104 | Sen McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to presidential electors and political party conventions |