Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for McCoy, 39 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB10 104 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to presidential electors and political party conventions
LB19 102 Sen McCoy Passed Prohibit the use of certain drug substances as prescribed
LB20 102 Sen McCoy Passed Regulate the sale of methamphetamine precursors
LB21 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to ballots cast by presidential electors
LB22 102 Sen McCoy Passed Adopt the Mandate Opt-Out and Insurance Coverage Clarification Act
LB29 104 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to school health inspections
LB30 104 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Prohibit disclosure of any applicant or permitholder information regarding firearms registration, possession, sale, or use as prescribed
LB43 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to trust deeds
LB44 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to power of sale conferred upon a trustee
LB72 103 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to use of interest-bearing trust accounts under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB73 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change interstate simulcast facility license requirements
LB114 104 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Redefine ambulatory surgical center and health clinic under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB157 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Exempt state vehicles from carrying uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
LB167 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors
LB207 103 Sen McCoy Passed Change motor vehicle registration provisions
LB207A 103 Sen McCoy Passed Appropriation Bill
LB219 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Care Freedom Act
LB222 103 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions regarding certain reports submitted electronically to the Legislature
LB257 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to creation of municipal counties
LB298 103 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to controlled substances schedules
LB303 102 Sen McCoy Passed Eliminate restriction on investment in certain corporations doing business in Northern Ireland
LB347 102 Sen McCoy Passed Authorize interest-bearing trust accounts under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB366 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Environmental Trust Board
LB367 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change balloting and vacancy provisions for presidential electors
LB405 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain sales tax exemptions, corporate and individual income taxes, and the franchise tax and change other tax provisions
LB406 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change tax provisions
LB467 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require voter approval for annexation of cities or villages
LB478 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act
LB494 101 Sen McCoy Passed Require animal health care professionals to report cases of animal abuse and change dangerous dog provisions
LB548 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change, transfer, and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities
LB669 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Transfer cash reserve funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB670 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change property tax valuations of agricultural land and horticultural land
LB699 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require information obtained pursuant to certain arrests be forwarded to federal immigration authorities
LB700 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require certain construction and remodeling work to be supervised as prescribed in order to obtain a building permit
LB714 102 Sen McCoy Passed Update references and change provisions in the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB716 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change municipal powers within extraterritorial jurisdiction
LB738 101 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to the substitution of trustee under the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
LB742 101 Sen McCoy Passed Provide requirements for settled claims and settlement agreements involving public entities and provide that such claims and agreements are public records
LB777 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to presidential electors
LB782 102 Sen McCoy Passed Require that reports submitted to the Legislature be submitted electronically
LB807 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Require automobile liability policies to be issued for a minimum term
LB826 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study relating to education incentives for high-need occupations
LB852 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to corporations and professional corporations
LB853 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to secured transactions filing information
LB854 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change provisions relating to business entity dissolution and reinstatement
LB912 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for local laws regulating discrimination
LB917 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Provide procedures for donation of real property to the Northeast Community College Area
LB942 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change certain notice provisions under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
LB943 102 Sen McCoy Passed Adopt the Insured Homeowners Protection Act
LB944 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Prohibit campaign expenditures for personal services of elective officeholders
LB1054 102 Sen McCoy Passed Change contract coverage under the Motor Vehicle Service Contract Reimbursement Insurance Act
LB1054A 102 Sen McCoy Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1086 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to determination of the state unemployment insurance tax rate
LR4 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate Dean Gorsuch for winning the steer wrestling world championship at the 2010 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo
(1st Special)
101 Sen McCoy Congratulate Father Stephen Plank for being named Nebraska's Outstanding World Language Teacher for 2009
LR21 104 Sen McCoy Recognize mothers of children with omphaloceles for their courageous efforts to advocate for their children
LR25 103 Sen McCoy Congratulate Elyse Mancuso for winning the Jeopardy! Teen Tournament
LR26 103 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' golf team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR27 103 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR28 103 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Mount Michael Benedictine High School boys' cross country team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR44 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate Tyler Meuret for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR78 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate Cody Gelvin for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR89 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate Cameron Opfer for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR90 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate Thomas D. Rhodes for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR122 101 Sen McCoy Interim study to examine the feasibility of making the Game and Parks Commission a code agency
LR126 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Mount Michael Benedictine High School academic decathlon team on winning the 2015 Nebraska Academic Decathlon
LR140 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn High School dance team on winning the Hip Hop division at the 2015 Class B state championships
LR145 103 Sen McCoy Congratulate Jack Hoffman for his Husker spring football game touchdown and recognize his courageous personal struggle with brain cancer
LR181 101 Sen McCoy Interim study to examine the feasibility and benefits of restructuring the natural resources districts
LR211 104 Sen McCoy Referral Interim study to examine synthetic recreational drugs that are marketed and sold as incense
LR236 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Julie Classen-Cruscuolo on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest
LR237 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Ben Cross, David Connolly, Connor Krecklow, CJ Monahan, Kyle Tompkins, Dylan Stamm, Ryan Soderquist, John-Mark Connolly, and Matthew Meacham on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR238 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Celia McCaslin on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest
LR280 102 Sen McCoy Referral Interim study to examine whether insurance laws should be amended to protect homeowners from home improvement or home repair contractor fraud as it relates to insurance claims
LR289CA 101 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit laws that restrict or interfere with choice of health care plans or direct payment for medical services
LR313 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Boy Scouts of America on celebrating its 100th anniversary
LR341 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate John E. Beeson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR342 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Ethan Copple on being named the Nebraska Eagle Scout of the Year and the Nebraska VFW Scout of the Year
LR343 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Cooper Knaak on being named a member of the Omaha World-Herald's 2015 All State Academic Team
LR359 103 Sen McCoy Extend gratitude to Kali Smith and her family for their support of Tyler's Law
LR361 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Donald McPherson and Lester Arasmith on being award the Congressional Gold Medal
LR363 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Samantha Mannix on winning the Number 1 singles finals in the 2015 Class B girls' state championship
LR364 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn High School football team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR366 103 Sen McCoy Recognize Aaron and Erin Ruskamp and their family for their efforts to raise awareness of anencephaly
LR371 102 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Request for a federal amendments convention limited to amending the Constitution of the United States providing that an increase in the federal debt requires certain approval
LR379 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' golf team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR380 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR423 101 Sen McCoy Interim study to examine the way Nebraska awards electoral votes in presidential elections
LR462 102 Sen McCoy Referral Interim study to examine whether Nebraska's insurance laws should be amended to address the sale of ancillary service contracts and ancillary protection product warranties
LR467 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class B girls' state championship
LR487 103 Sen McCoy Indefinitely postponed Urge Congress to enact comprehensive health care reform
LR565 101 Sen McCoy Congratulate the individuals from Legislative District 39 for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR592 102 Sen McCoy Referral Interim study to examine autism and the ways in which the educational, medical, and insurance industries can collaborate to provide successful treatment to children
LR615 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate George Conrad on his retirement and thank him for his dedication to education
LR616 102 Sen McCoy Congratulate Tom Ramsbottom for being named the State Athletic Administrator of the Year for 2011-2012
LR624 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate Douglas County West Elementary School on being recognized as a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School
LR625 104 Sen McCoy Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School cheer and dance teams on their victories at the 2016 Class B state cheer and dance championships