Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Cook, 13 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB41 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for permanent early voting request list and return of early voting ballots to polling places |
LB42 | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change credentialing requirements for administrators of facilities for persons with head injuries |
LB43 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to a property tax exemption |
LB81 | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change provisions relating to eligibility for child care assistance and require a report regarding transitional childcare assistance programs |
LB81A | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB82 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds in support of dental services |
LB83 | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change the definition of employer relating to wage discrimination on the basis of sex |
LB119 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for Public Health Aid |
LB157 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to the appropriation of funds in support of dental services |
LB262 | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Provide duties relating to sharing of student information |
LB329 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Update the International Energy Conservation Code and change Nebraska Energy Code provisions |
LB330 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for dental hygienists in public health-related settings |
LB340 | 101 | Sen Cook | Passed | Require the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education to facilitate a study of the Nebraska community college system |
LB341 | 101 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to tuberculosis detection and prevention |
LB359 | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change asset and income limitations for certain programs of public assistance and change eligibility redeterminations relating to a child care subsidy |
LB359A | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB360 | 101 | Sen Cook | Passed | Authorize creation of a land reutilization authority by a city of the metropolitan class |
LB366 | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Adopt the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and provide funding from the Education Innovation Fund |
LB366A | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB367 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Twenty-First Century Developmental Education Act |
LB381 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for housing services |
LB382 | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change provisions of the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and state intent relating to certain transfers |
LB382A | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB406 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Provide for reentry licenses under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act |
LB411 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
LB434 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Require law enforcement agencies to use theft notification web sites as prescribed |
LB435 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Time to Teach and Time to Learn Act |
LB436 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for pediatric oral health services |
LB443 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act |
LB491 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change calculation of target level of funds under the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Act |
LB492 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to carry out the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program |
LB500 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change penalties relating to unlawful obstruction or interference of the view of an operator of a motor vehicle |
LB501 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change ballot status procedures for Presidential and vice-presidential candidates |
LB502 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Workforce Investment Act |
LB507 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Require certain examinations for special education teachers |
LB508 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide minimum requirements for acceptance to teacher education programs |
LB509 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to a poverty allowance under the state aid formula |
LB510 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit to employers of public assistance recipients |
LB510A | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB511 | 104 | Sen Cook | Passed | Provide for return-to-learn protocols for pediatric cancer survivors |
LB543 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Provide for a state outreach plan and change asset limits relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
LB547 | 102 | Sen Cook | Withdrawn | Provide for a study of state aid to community colleges |
LB628 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Change provisions relating to sale and permit donation of certain personal property of political subdivisions |
LB631 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a permanent early voting request list |
LB662 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a demonstration project regarding bundling payments under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB788 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Professional Landscape Architects Act |
LB789 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding appropriations for the installation of art in public buildings |
LB852 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds for aid to community colleges |
LB883 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for contributions to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust from income tax refunds |
LB897 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit to employers of public assistance recipients |
LB958 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for appointment of a student achievement coordinator |
LB961 | 103 | Sen Cook | Passed | Provide for a fire fighting compact, change workers' compensation provisions and require coverage for volunteer firefighters, change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act, the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, and the Employment Security Law |
LB965 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for expungement of records for persons charged with or found guilty of a crime because of stolen identity or mistaken identity |
LB988 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change distribution provisions for the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund |
LB1004 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Community Eligibility Provision and provide duties for the State Department of Education |
LB1027 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Change licensure requirements for head injury facility administrators |
LB1028 | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Require Department of Health and Human Services to apply for a grant relating to long-term care services |
LB1034 | 101 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Define tuition and fees for purposes of the Community College Foundation and Equalization Aid Act |
LB1035 | 101 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide powers for counties, cities, and villages to control and abate public health nuisances |
LB1041 | 104 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for disapproval of certain insurance rate filings if they use price optimization |
LB1063 | 102 | Sen Cook | Passed | Adopt the Children's Health and Treatment Act |
LB1063A | 102 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1085 | 103 | Sen Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Require listing of employee salaries and job titles of certain private employers |
LR21 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Cook | Extend sympathy to the family of Reverend Doctor L. C. Menyweather-Woods | |
LR49 | 104 | Sen Cook | Extend sympathy to the family of Zaiid Sharif Zakir Ibn El Gaines Liwaru | |
LR50 | 104 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Gene Hayes for being named a 2015 Distinguished NEBRASKAlander by the NEBRASKAland Foundation | |
LR62 | 104 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Dr. Paulette C. Walker for her outstanding service with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority | |
LR63 | 104 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Soror Jan M. Carpenter Baker on her election and for her service with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority | |
LR124 | 102 | Sen Cook | Congratulate the Omaha Central High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class A state championship | |
LR157 | 102 | Sen Cook | Extend sympathy to the family of Ann Goldstein | |
LR160 | 102 | Sen Cook | Extend sympathy to the family of Harry Crook | |
LR163 | 102 | Sen Cook | Commend the Notre Dame Sisters in Omaha on their one hundred years of service | |
LR170 | 104 | Sen Cook | Commend Mount View Elementary School on hosting an annual Career Enrichment Day | |
LR175 | 102 | Sen Cook | Designate April 28, 2011, as Workers Memorial Day | |
LR248 | 101 | Sen Cook | Designate the week of September 6 through 12, 2009, as Information and Referral Services Week | |
LR255 | 101 | Sen Cook | Designate July 29, 2009, through August 3, 2009, as "Omaha Days" in Nebraska | |
LR266 | 101 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Dr. Jerry Fischer for receiving the 2009 Adult Health Volunteer of the Year award and for his service to the State of Nebraska | |
LR267 | 101 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Connie Rose for being recognized as Volunteer of the Year and for her service to the State of Nebraska | |
LR281 | 102 | Sen Cook | Referral | Interim study to conduct research and provide recommendations on how Nebraska is currently providing home and community-based health care services to Nebraska seniors |
LR324 | 101 | Sen Cook | Interim study to examine the need for public utility ratepayer assistance programs in the state | |
LR374 | 101 | Sen Cook | Express appreciation to the Newman United Methodist Church of Lincoln and its members for their service to the community | |
LR375 | 101 | Sen Cook | Welcome those attending the 2010 Midwest Regional Conference of Grand Masters and Masons, Grand Chapters and Eastern Stars | |
LR382 | 102 | Sen Cook | Recognize Dr. Magda Peck for her contributions to public health education in this state | |
LR407 | 101 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Tyler Faulkner for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award | |
LR408 | 101 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Kathleen Porter for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award | |
LR427 | 104 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover for her outstanding service with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority | |
LR429 | 104 | Sen Cook | Congratulate Cynthia Butler-McIntyre for her outstanding service with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority | |
LR461 | 101 | Sen Cook | Interim study to examine the federal Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to parking accessibility for handicapped or disabled persons | |
LR484 | 102 | Sen Cook | Congratulate the Creighton University women's basketball team for winning the 2012 Missouri Valley Conference championship and wish them success in the NCAA tournament | |
LR548 | 102 | Sen Cook | Referral | Interim study to examine the Nebraska state 529 educational savings plan and make recommendations on ways to increase plan participation |
LR549 | 101 | Sen Cook | Extend sympathy to the family of Linda Reall | |
LR607 | 104 | Sen Cook | Designate April 12, 2016, as Equal Pay Day in Nebraska | |
LR632 | 102 | Sen Cook | Congratulate the Omaha Central High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class A state championship |