Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Cook, 13 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB41 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for permanent early voting request list and return of early voting ballots to polling places
LB42 103 Sen Cook Passed Change credentialing requirements for administrators of facilities for persons with head injuries
LB43 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a property tax exemption
LB81 104 Sen Cook Passed Change provisions relating to eligibility for child care assistance and require a report regarding transitional childcare assistance programs
LB81A 104 Sen Cook Passed Appropriation Bill
LB82 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds in support of dental services
LB83 104 Sen Cook Passed Change the definition of employer relating to wage discrimination on the basis of sex
LB119 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for Public Health Aid
LB157 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to the appropriation of funds in support of dental services
LB262 103 Sen Cook Passed Provide duties relating to sharing of student information
LB329 102 Sen Cook Passed Update the International Energy Conservation Code and change Nebraska Energy Code provisions
LB330 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for dental hygienists in public health-related settings
LB340 101 Sen Cook Passed Require the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education to facilitate a study of the Nebraska community college system
LB341 101 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tuberculosis detection and prevention
LB359 103 Sen Cook Passed Change asset and income limitations for certain programs of public assistance and change eligibility redeterminations relating to a child care subsidy
LB359A 103 Sen Cook Passed Appropriation Bill
LB360 101 Sen Cook Passed Authorize creation of a land reutilization authority by a city of the metropolitan class
LB366 103 Sen Cook Passed Adopt the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and provide funding from the Education Innovation Fund
LB366A 103 Sen Cook Passed Appropriation Bill
LB367 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Twenty-First Century Developmental Education Act
LB381 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for housing services
LB382 104 Sen Cook Passed Change provisions of the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and state intent relating to certain transfers
LB382A 104 Sen Cook Passed Appropriation Bill
LB406 102 Sen Cook Passed Provide for reentry licenses under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act
LB411 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB434 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Require law enforcement agencies to use theft notification web sites as prescribed
LB435 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Time to Teach and Time to Learn Act
LB436 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for pediatric oral health services
LB443 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act
LB491 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change calculation of target level of funds under the Nebraska Opportunity Grant Act
LB492 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to carry out the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program
LB500 102 Sen Cook Passed Change penalties relating to unlawful obstruction or interference of the view of an operator of a motor vehicle
LB501 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change ballot status procedures for Presidential and vice-presidential candidates
LB502 102 Sen Cook Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Workforce Investment Act
LB507 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Require certain examinations for special education teachers
LB508 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide minimum requirements for acceptance to teacher education programs
LB509 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to a poverty allowance under the state aid formula
LB510 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit to employers of public assistance recipients
LB510A 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB511 104 Sen Cook Passed Provide for return-to-learn protocols for pediatric cancer survivors
LB543 102 Sen Cook Passed Provide for a state outreach plan and change asset limits relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB547 102 Sen Cook Withdrawn Provide for a study of state aid to community colleges
LB628 102 Sen Cook Passed Change provisions relating to sale and permit donation of certain personal property of political subdivisions
LB631 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for a permanent early voting request list
LB662 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for a demonstration project regarding bundling payments under the Medical Assistance Act
LB788 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Professional Landscape Architects Act
LB789 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding appropriations for the installation of art in public buildings
LB852 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for aid to community colleges
LB883 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for contributions to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust from income tax refunds
LB897 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit to employers of public assistance recipients
LB958 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for appointment of a student achievement coordinator
LB961 103 Sen Cook Passed Provide for a fire fighting compact, change workers' compensation provisions and require coverage for volunteer firefighters, change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act, the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, and the Employment Security Law
LB965 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for expungement of records for persons charged with or found guilty of a crime because of stolen identity or mistaken identity
LB988 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change distribution provisions for the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund
LB1004 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Community Eligibility Provision and provide duties for the State Department of Education
LB1027 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Change licensure requirements for head injury facility administrators
LB1028 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Require Department of Health and Human Services to apply for a grant relating to long-term care services
LB1034 101 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Define tuition and fees for purposes of the Community College Foundation and Equalization Aid Act
LB1035 101 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide powers for counties, cities, and villages to control and abate public health nuisances
LB1041 104 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for disapproval of certain insurance rate filings if they use price optimization
LB1063 102 Sen Cook Passed Adopt the Children's Health and Treatment Act
LB1063A 102 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1085 103 Sen Cook Indefinitely postponed Require listing of employee salaries and job titles of certain private employers
(1st Special)
102 Sen Cook Extend sympathy to the family of Reverend Doctor L. C. Menyweather-Woods
LR49 104 Sen Cook Extend sympathy to the family of Zaiid Sharif Zakir Ibn El Gaines Liwaru
LR50 104 Sen Cook Congratulate Gene Hayes for being named a 2015 Distinguished NEBRASKAlander by the NEBRASKAland Foundation
LR62 104 Sen Cook Congratulate Dr. Paulette C. Walker for her outstanding service with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
LR63 104 Sen Cook Congratulate Soror Jan M. Carpenter Baker on her election and for her service with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
LR124 102 Sen Cook Congratulate the Omaha Central High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class A state championship
LR157 102 Sen Cook Extend sympathy to the family of Ann Goldstein
LR160 102 Sen Cook Extend sympathy to the family of Harry Crook
LR163 102 Sen Cook Commend the Notre Dame Sisters in Omaha on their one hundred years of service
LR170 104 Sen Cook Commend Mount View Elementary School on hosting an annual Career Enrichment Day
LR175 102 Sen Cook Designate April 28, 2011, as Workers Memorial Day
LR248 101 Sen Cook Designate the week of September 6 through 12, 2009, as Information and Referral Services Week
LR255 101 Sen Cook Designate July 29, 2009, through August 3, 2009, as "Omaha Days" in Nebraska
LR266 101 Sen Cook Congratulate Dr. Jerry Fischer for receiving the 2009 Adult Health Volunteer of the Year award and for his service to the State of Nebraska
LR267 101 Sen Cook Congratulate Connie Rose for being recognized as Volunteer of the Year and for her service to the State of Nebraska
LR281 102 Sen Cook Referral Interim study to conduct research and provide recommendations on how Nebraska is currently providing home and community-based health care services to Nebraska seniors
LR324 101 Sen Cook Interim study to examine the need for public utility ratepayer assistance programs in the state
LR374 101 Sen Cook Express appreciation to the Newman United Methodist Church of Lincoln and its members for their service to the community
LR375 101 Sen Cook Welcome those attending the 2010 Midwest Regional Conference of Grand Masters and Masons, Grand Chapters and Eastern Stars
LR382 102 Sen Cook Recognize Dr. Magda Peck for her contributions to public health education in this state
LR407 101 Sen Cook Congratulate Tyler Faulkner for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award
LR408 101 Sen Cook Congratulate Kathleen Porter for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award
LR427 104 Sen Cook Congratulate Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover for her outstanding service with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
LR429 104 Sen Cook Congratulate Cynthia Butler-McIntyre for her outstanding service with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
LR461 101 Sen Cook Interim study to examine the federal Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to parking accessibility for handicapped or disabled persons
LR484 102 Sen Cook Congratulate the Creighton University women's basketball team for winning the 2012 Missouri Valley Conference championship and wish them success in the NCAA tournament
LR548 102 Sen Cook Referral Interim study to examine the Nebraska state 529 educational savings plan and make recommendations on ways to increase plan participation
LR549 101 Sen Cook Extend sympathy to the family of Linda Reall
LR607 104 Sen Cook Designate April 12, 2016, as Equal Pay Day in Nebraska
LR632 102 Sen Cook Congratulate the Omaha Central High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class A state championship