Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Bostar, 29 in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB76 Sen Bostar Referral Change provisions of the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act
LB77 Sen Bostar Referral Adopt the Ensuring Transparency in Prior Authorization Act
LB78 Sen Bostar General File Adopt the Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking Survivor Assistance Act and change the rate and allocation of the documentary stamp tax
LB109 Sen Bostar Referral Prohibit certain provisions in insurance policies and health plans relating to clinician-administered drugs and change provisions relating to pharmacy benefit managers
LB182 Sen Bostar Passed Change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act and the Child Care Tax Credit Act
LB252 Sen Bostar Referral Prohibit disadvantaging insurance and Medicaid coverage for nonopioid drugs
LB253 Sen Bostar General File Provide for insurance and medicaid coverage of biomarker testing
LB417 Sen Bostar Referral Provide for administration of the Nebraska Promise Program by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, adopt the College Promise Act, and change provisions relating to the Quality Education Accountability Act
LB457 Sen Bostar General File Require anaphylaxis policies for school districts and licensed child care facilities and provide a limit on the amount an insured is required to pay by an insurance policy or benefit plan for epinephrine injectors
LB458 Sen Bostar Referral Change provisions relating to tax sale certificates, real property sold for delinquent taxes, certain tax-related foreclosure actions, and land banks and adopt the Permitting Approval Timeliness Act and the By-Right Housing Development Act
LB607 Sen Bostar Referral Adopt the Environmental Stewardship of Batteries Act, the Extended Producer Responsibility Data Collection Act, and the Minimum Recycled Content Act, and change provisions relating to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act, the Environmental Protection Act, and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Fund
LB608 Sen Bostar Referral Change insurance provisions relating to firefighters and include correctional officers, youth detention officers, and certain children in the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act
LB609 Sen Bostar Delivered to Governor Adopt the Controllable Electronic Record Fraud Prevention Act, require notice of potential fraud for purchasers of gift certificates and gift cards, and change provisions relating to search warrants
LB609A Sen Bostar Delivered to Governor Appropriation Bill
LB610 Sen Bostar Referral Change provisions relating to supplemental reimbursement for ground emergency medical transport under the Medical Assistance Act
LB641 Sen Bostar Referral Change provisions relating to medicaid estate recovery
LB642 Sen Bostar Referral Adopt the Artificial Intelligence Consumer Protection Act
LB644 Sen Bostar Referral Adopt the Foreign Adversary and Terrorist Agent Registration Act and the Crush Transnational Repression in Nebraska Act, provide requirements under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act for conduct relating to certain foreign entities, change provisions of the Foreign Adversary Contracting Prohibition Act, and regulate storage and remote access of genetic sequencing data
LB684 Sen Bostar Referral Transfer juvenile probation functions to a new Juvenile Probation Agency in the executive branch
LB709 Sen Bostar General File Adopt the Adoption Tax Credit Act
LB710 Sen Bostar Referral Increase the earned income tax credit
LB715 Sen Bostar Referral Require insurance coverage for pre-exposure prophylaxis medication
LR20CA Sen Bostar Referral Constitutional amendment to permit an authorized gaming operator conducting sports wagering within a licensed racetrack enclosure to allow a sports wager to be placed by an individual located within the State of Nebraska at the time the individual places the sports wager by means of a mobile or electronic platform
LR66 Sen Bostar Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and colleagues of Pat Lopez