Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Hansen, 16 in the 108th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR47 | Sen Hansen, B. | Adopted | Recognize the importance of the Big Read project across Northeast Nebraska |
LR108 | Sen Hansen, B. | Adopted | Congratulate Blair High School wrestler Hudson Loges on winning the 2023 Class B 106-pound state wrestling championship |
LR116 | Sen Hansen, B. | Adopted | Extend sympathy to the family of Fred Christensen and recognize his service to Nebraska farmers and his community |
LR273 | Sen Hansen, B. | Adopted | Congratulate Hull Maintenance Technician First Class (Surface Warfare) Kiefer J. Nelson for his Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and other achievements |
LR451 | Sen Hansen | Adopted | Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator Frank Korshoj and recognize his contributions to Legislative District 16 and the State of Nebraska |
LR470 | Sen Hansen | Adopted | Congratulate Braxton Siebrandt for winning the 2024 Class D state championship title in the 132-pound weight class |
LB41 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit state agencies from imposing annual filing and reporting requirements on charitable organizations |
LB42 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to child abuse and neglect under the Child Protection and Family Safety Act and the Nebraska Juvenile Code |
LB91 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Change motorcycle, moped, and autocycle helmet and eye protection provisions |
LB181 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for filling and refilling prescriptions in certain circumstances |
LB188 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the Commissioner of Education to issue temporary certificates to teach to veterans as prescribed |
LB528 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Nebraska Option Enrollment Tuition Account Program |
LB529 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Property Tax Request Act |
LB573 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development for a time-limited grant program |
LB671 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Allow the Nebraska Training and Support Cash Fund to be used for retention of existing employees of Nebraska businesses |
LB672 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Environment and Energy |
LB673 | Sen Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide grants to schools that adopt a policy to provide emergency response mapping data to law enforcement agencies and provide powers and duties for the State Department of Education and State Board of Education |
LB1003 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change a requirement relating to child care licensing in cities, villages, or counties |
LB1060 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exemption from newborn screening |
LB1148 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements relating to insurance coverage of step therapy for certain drugs |
LB1174 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to section lines and vacation or abandonment of public roads |
LB1211 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Election Act relating to early voting |
LB1247 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Require certain school lands be open to the public for hunting as prescribed and provide powers and duties relating to the use of such school lands for hunting |
LB1305 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit tax liability on the purchase, sale, or exchange of gold or silver bullion, change sales tax exemption provisions relating to currency and bullion, and provide an income tax adjustment for net capital losses and gains on the sale or exchange of gold or silver |
LB1381 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide work requirements for recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
LB1382 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit paying petition circulators based on the number of signatures and prohibit certain contributions to ballot question committees |
LB1386 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Establish an educational savings account for each student enrolled in an approved or accredited private, denominational, or parochial school for qualified educational expenses as prescribed |
LB1387 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to approval and regulation of adding fluoride to the water supply of certain political subdivisions |
LB227 | Sen Hansen, B. | Passed | Change provisions relating to public health and welfare |
LB227A | Sen Hansen, B. | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1004 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change motorcycle, moped, and autocycle helmet provisions |
LB1215 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Adopt the Dietitian Licensure Compact and the Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact, change provisions relating to prescriptions, death certificates, credentialing of barbers, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacy professionals, and certain health care facilities and services, treatment of individuals with communicable tuberculosis, and telehealth consultations, and provide for abstracts of death and coverage under the medical assistance program for certain breast pumps and lactation visits |
LB1393 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law and the Nebraska Student-Athlete Name, Image, or Likeness Rights Act |
LR234 | Sen Hansen, B. | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness of the State of Nebraska's response to the COVID-19 pandemic |
LR337 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine public assistance programs in Nebraska to determine whether program structures could be improved |
LR392 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the costs and frequency of rebasing provider rates and to develop a methodology for rebasing such rates |
LR423 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine child care providers in Nebraska and the shortage of child care options in rural Nebraska |
LR436 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the initiative and referendum petition processes in the twenty-six states in which such a process exists |