Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Brewer, 43 in the 106th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR380 | Sen Brewer | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility of creating a state meat inspection program |
LR351 | Sen Brewer | Adopted | Recognize the achievements and dedication of Rusty Ruppert |
LR334 | Sen Brewer | Express sympathy to the family of Charles "Chuck" Trimble and recognize his service to native peoples | |
LR331 | Sen Brewer | Recognize June 2020 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Month in Nebraska, and June 27, 2020, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day in Nebraska | |
LR313 | Sen Brewer | Congratulate the American Legion on its 101st anniversary | |
LR285CA | Sen Brewer | Withdrawn | Constitutional amendment to provide for use of lottery proceeds for prison overcrowding prior to use for the Nebraska Environmental Trust Act |
LR283CA | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change qualifications of electors |
LR259 | Sen Brewer | Congratulate the Niobrara Council Office and the Niobrara Visitor Center and Headquarters Office for the Niobrara National Scenic River for its outstanding service and for being recognized by the United States Postal Service through its Wild and Scenic Rivers Stamp collection | |
LR253 | Sen Brewer | Referral | Interim study to investigate the laws of self-defense and defense of third parties as they apply to the defense of persons victimized by domestic violence and human trafficking |
LR5CA | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to limit the percentage of funding for schools that comes from property taxes |
LB1200 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Rename the Livestock Brand Act and the Nebraska Brand Committee and change provisions relating to livestock |
LB1166 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change school district membership requirements as prescribed |
LB1055 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change provisions regarding elections and the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB963A | Sen Brewer | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB963 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change workers' compensation provisions for injuries to first responders and frontline state employees and burial expenses |
LB937 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Require the display of tribal flags in the Capitol |
LB823 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a special election prior to the exercise of eminent domain for transmission lines in certain circumstances |
LB822 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change recall petition and election provisions |
LB821 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to city or village planning commission meetings |
LB820 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change required information on the voter registration application |
LB819 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the taxation of benefits received under the federal Social Security Act |
LB818 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Adjust the nameplate capacity tax for inflation |
LB717 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for state contracts regarding hours billed for computer services |
LB660A | Sen Brewer | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB660 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to the executive director and chief investigator of the Nebraska Brand Committee |
LB582 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to stolen firearms |
LB575 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Require school district policies regarding the provision of information to and access by military recruiters |
LB574 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to regular meetings of a metropolitan utilities district |
LB511 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Authorize adjustments to state employee work schedules for participation in approved youth mentoring programs |
LB505 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to support order payments and the State Disbursement Unit |
LB375 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Allow certain library, archive, and museum materials to be withheld from the public |
LB374 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Provide for raptor permits for wildlife abatement |
LB373 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide setback and zoning requirements for wind energy generation projects |
LB280 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change a penalty for violations of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB246 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to elections |
LB158 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the assessed value of real property |
LB157 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voluntary registration, duties for the Department of Agriculture, and a cause of action under the Nebraska Apiary Act |
LB156 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Provide for the operation, titling, and registration of former military vehicles |
LB155 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change eminent domain provisions that apply to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities |
LB154 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Authorize a study to improve reporting and investigation of missing Native American women and children |
LB153 | Sen Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits |
LB152 | Sen Brewer | Passed | State rights of Nebraska National Guard members and provide for confidentiality of members' residential addresses |
LB151 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act |
LB150 | Sen Brewer | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to access to public records and provide for fees |