Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Stinner, 48 in the 106th Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR462 | Sen Stinner | Adopted | Congratulate Jessica Barrett on receiving the 2020 April Dunn, Start Your Journey Award and recognize her advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities |
LR445 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to update data and review the potential impact on the state behavioral health system by expanding access to prescribing psychologists |
LR390 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nebraska's early childhood workforce and the early childhood care and education system |
LR389 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to analyze existing public postsecondary institutions programs, initiatives, and strategies to address workforce and talent shortages and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these shortages |
LR340 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to examine the extent of surface water irrigation in Nebraska and the condition of the surface water irrigation projects |
LR336 | Sen Stinner | Congratulate nineteen boys from District 48 on their hard work to compete in the 2020 Nebraska State Wrestling Championship | |
LR328 | Sen Stinner | Recognize Fred Lockwood for his lifetime of public service, including his thirty-two years of service on the Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board | |
LR257 | Sen Stinner | Approve the gift of labor and materials from the Nebraska Association of Former State Legislators for the restoration of the gardens of the State Capitol Courtyards | |
LR212 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to assess the financial position of the Nebraska Brand Committee and to identify core operational needs and opportunities for efficiency improvement |
LR211 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to examine alternatives for funding the Nebraska Tree Recovery Program |
LR210 | Sen Stinner | Referral | Interim study to analyze programs and agencies that are active in addressing workforce and talent shortages, and identify options to assist in filling vacant high-wage, high-demand, and high-skill jobs |
LR31 | Sen Stinner | Congratulate Paul Garcia, Devontae Gutierrez, and Quinton Chavez on their state wrestling championships | |
LR30 | Sen Stinner | Congratulate Vera Dulaney on her retirement and recognize her service and dedication to Scotts Bluff County | |
LB1198 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Appropriate funds for the Governor's Emergency Program - COVID-19 |
LB1165 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the Nebraska Brand Committee and provide powers and duties for the Department of Agriculture under the Livestock Brand Act |
LB1159 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain use restrictions and provide for unlimited license examination attempts under the Pesticide Act |
LB1093 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations for nursing facility services under the medical assistance program |
LB1092 | Sen Stinner | Withdrawn | Change and transfer contract provisions under the Medical Assistance Act and create a fund |
LB910 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Provide for, change, eliminate, and change distribution of fees and funds of the Secretary of State |
LB894 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds for community college aid |
LB817 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Prescribing Psychologist Practice Act |
LB782 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Change certified public accountant examination provisions |
LB781 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Provide for annual continuing education for treasurers of certain local governments, change and eliminate county treasurer statement requirements, and provide a duty for the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LB780A | Sen Stinner | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB780 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Provide duties for the Nebraska Arts Council regarding creative districts and change provisions relating to the Nebraska Arts and Humanities Cash Fund |
LB779 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB778 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent regarding appropriations for the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act |
LB639 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the H3 Careers Scholarship Act |
LB638 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change provisions relating to the transfer of excess General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB637 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Authorize sales of tourism promotional products by the Nebraska Tourism Commission |
LB636 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Financial Condition of Counties and Municipalities Task Force |
LB588 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Change the local effort rate pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB587 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB586 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Change an appropriation |
LB562 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to University of Nebraska facilities and appropriations |
LB481A | Sen Stinner | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB404 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to medicaid budgeting |
LB403 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a duty for the Department of Health and Human Services when calculating certain medicaid rates |
LB337 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Require report of federal receipts with the annual state budget report |
LB334A | Sen Stinner | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB334 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change provisions relating to Nebraska planning and development regions, eliminate funding for the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act, provide intent for an appropriation to the Governor's Emergency Program, and increase funding and eliminate a termination date for the Business Innovation Act |
LB135 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change provisions relating to students in emergency medical services training |
LB134 | Sen Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Provide levy authority and duties for natural resources districts |
LB52 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Require accountability for and investment of public funds and change provisions relating to the transfer and use of funds under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust |
LB49 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change provisions relating to accounting firm ownership |
LB48 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change provisions relating to sufficient cause for nonuse of a water appropriation |
LB4A | Sen Stinner | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB4 | Sen Stinner | Passed | Change mileage reimbursement and filing fees and eliminate certain notice requirements under the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act |