Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Baker, 30 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB124 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Increase the probationary period of community college staff |
LB239 | 105 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to trust funds under the Burial Pre-Need Sale Act |
LB240 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for videoconferencing and telephone conferences for school board meetings |
LB282 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to closed sessions for public bodies |
LB283 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to emergency expenditures by school districts and educational service units for emergency management purposes as prescribed |
LB298 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act and a task force |
LB353 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change claim, award, and judgment payment provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act |
LB365 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Allow school districts and educational service units to keep electronic records |
LB402 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to distance education incentives |
LB405 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to DNA samples, DNA records, and thumbprints under the DNA Identification Information Act |
LB431 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to public school district construction |
LB432 | 104 | Sen Baker | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to access to and copying of public records |
LB433 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of false presentation of proof of liability insurance and provide penalties |
LB474 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Require insurance coverage for synchronizing prescription medications |
LB478 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide bonding authority for educational service units |
LB656 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for claims against the state by persons wrongfully incarcerated |
LB709 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to city and village plumbing boards and change a penalty |
LB710 | 105 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change provisions relating to civil claims of four thousand dollars or less |
LB711 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for use of occupant protection systems |
LB721 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Adopt the Surgical First Assistant Practice Act |
LB722 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Adopt the Stroke System of Care Act |
LB722A | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB899 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Change lead content provisions relating to the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act |
LB903 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities |
LB904 | 104 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for school districts to opt out of a learning community |
LB907 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to a sales and use tax exemption for agricultural machinery and equipment |
LB908 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a disposal exception for tires used in a building system and eliminate obsolete provisions under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act |
LB981 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to arraignment of juveniles and authorize juvenile court jurisdiction to age twenty-one with consent of the juvenile and legal counsel |
LB1002 | 104 | Sen Baker | Passed | Permit educational service unit boards to pay membership dues to associations of school boards |
LB1037 | 105 | Sen Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act relating to a potential conflict of interest by an elected office holder of certain cities or villages or a school district |
LR20 | 105 | Sen Baker | Recognize the rare total solar eclipse that the State of Nebraska will experience on August 21, 2017 | |
LR53 | 104 | Sen Baker | Congratulate the Homestead National Monument of America on the 2015 launch of the Homestead National Monument of America quarter | |
LR58 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate the Lincoln Southwest High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class A state championship | |
LR82 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Adam David Hanau on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR128 | 105 | Sen Baker | Recognize Reynolds Davis for his service to his community and the state | |
LR320 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Jetta Harvey for receiving the 2018 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR321 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Will Gleason on winning the Number 1 singles tennis title at the 2017 Class A boys state championship | |
LR322 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Joe Harris on winning the Number 2 singles tennis title at the 2017 Class A boys state championship | |
LR323 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Duncan Works and Nick O'Shea on winning the Number 1 doubles tennis title at the 2017 Class A boys state championship | |
LR324 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate Grady Works and Caleb Bowman on winning the Number 2 doubles tennis title at the 2017 Class boys state championship | |
LR325 | 105 | Sen Baker | Congratulate the Lincoln Southwest High School boys tennis team on winning the 2017 Class A state championship | |
LR372 | 105 | Sen Baker | Referral | Interim study to examine school violence and identify steps that can be taken to preserve our schools as safe environments for learning and growth |