Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Thursday January 17, 2019
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB397 | Briese | Passed | Change provisions relating to tobacco and other nicotine products and tobacco manufacturers |
LB398 | DeBoer | Indefinitely postponed | Change learning community levy and diversity plan requirements |
LB385 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions for the board of trustees of the Nebraska State Historical Society |
LB386 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to cash reserves under the Nebraska Budget Act |
LB382 | Geist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Dog and Cat Purchase Protection Act |
LB393 | Groene | Indefinitely postponed | Increase the documentary stamp tax |
LB378 | Hansen, B. | Indefinitely postponed | Change helmet provisions for autocycles, motorcycles, and mopeds |
LB381 | Hansen, B. | Passed | Change expense reimbursement provisions for state officers and agencies |
LB391 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change duties of peace officers taking juveniles into custody or interrogating juveniles and prohibit use of statements taken in violation of the rights of a juvenile |
LB395 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord's power of possession provisions in cases of domestic violence |
LB396 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord and tenant provisions relating to continuances and rental deposits |
LR11CA | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change age requirements for members of the Legislature |
LB402 | Hilkemann | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate an eligibility provision relating to nutrition assistance benefits as prescribed |
LB388 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights, placement of children, and guardianship |
LB389 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights |
LB400 | Hunt | Indefinitely postponed | Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities |
LB405 | Hunt | Passed | Adopt updates to building and energy codes |
LB379 | Kolterman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions under the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act and the Nebraska Installment Loan Act |
LB380 | La Grone | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Property and Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Act |
LB392 | Lathrop | Passed | Change hearsay provisions in the Nebraska Evidence Rules |
LB387 | Pansing Brooks | Passed | Change and modernize provisions relating to juries |
LB390 | Pansing Brooks | Passed | Provide duties regarding school resource officers and security guards |
LB383 | Quick | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for an annual adjustment to the minimum wage |
LB401 | Quick | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact |
LR10 | Scheer | Recognize the hard work of school board members across the state | |
LB399 | Slama | Passed | Change the name and provisions related to the committee on Americanism |
LB403 | Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a duty for the Department of Health and Human Services when calculating certain medicaid rates |
LB404 | Stinner | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to medicaid budgeting |
LB384 | Walz | Passed | Change certain education requirements under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB394 | Wishart | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to an appropriation to the Department of Transportation |