Unicameral Pages
Are you a Nebraska college student interested in becoming a page for the Nebraska Legislature for the 2025 Legislative session? Details from the Clerk of the Legislature's office are below:
Legislative pages are selected in the fall each year to work for the upcoming legislative session, beginning the following January. Pages respond to Senators' request lights on the legislative floor. They run errands, deliver messages, photocopy materials, get food and drink for the Senators, assist the presiding officer, set up and staff committee hearings and perform other duties as assigned.
Pages must be high school graduates who are currently enrolled in a Nebraska college or trade school with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. They must be able to work 20 hours a week during session. It is preferred that they work the same four-hour shift each day. The legislative session will begin January 8, 2025, and go through June of 2025. This is a paid position and you may also be able to receive credit hours through your college.
Applications are available through the Clerk of the Legislature's office, Room 2018, State Capitol, 1445 K Street, or online. A page applicant is encouraged to contact his or her home district state senator for a letter of recommendation. If you do not know who your senator is, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature's office for assistance or visit the Find Your Senator page and enter your address in the text box.
When you have completed the application, please submit it electronically or return it to:
Clerk of the Legislature
Room 2018
State Capitol
1445 K Street
Lincoln, NE
The page application deadline for the 2025 legislative session will be October 18th at 5:00 p.m. The page selection committee will meet the following week to interview and select individuals to fill those positions to start January 8, 2025.
For further information, please contact the Office of the Clerk of the Legislature at (402) 471-2271 or email unicampages@leg.ne.gov