Sen. Eliot Bostar

District 29
Room 1012P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2734
Committee Assignments
- Banking, Commerce and Insurance
- Revenue
- Committee On Committees
- Reference
- Rules
- Executive Board
- Legislature's Planning Committee
- Streamlined Sales and Use Tax System
- Statewide Tourism And Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability (LB406)
Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2020
Born May 5, 1987, in New York.
Education: Graduate of St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy, 2005; Embry-Riddle University (B.S. in business), 2012.
Family: Married Carrie Rowe, Sept. 26, 2015; one child: Dexter.
Occupation: Nonprofit executive
Former member: board, Lincoln Electric System, 2019-21; Lincoln Climate Resiliency Task Force, 2019-20.