Sen. Rita Sanders

District 45
Room 1315
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2615
Committee Assignments
  • Education
  • Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
  • Committee On Committees


Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2020; re-elected 2024

Born Rita Gomez, June 30, 1958, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Education: Graduate of Livermore High School, 1976; Bryman College, San Jose, Calif. (dental assisting), 1977. Attending Bellevue University.

Family: Married Rick René Sanders, April 24, 1998; two children: John Lukes and Michael Lukes.

Occupation: Commercial real estate developer

Former: District representative, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry; Bellevue mayor.

Member: UNMC Board of Counselors, 2016-present; Kiwanis Club of Bellevue, 2015-present; Bellevue Garden Club, 2000-present; Offutt Advisory Council, 2000-present; U.S. STRATCOM Consultation Committee, 2018-present.

Former member: Nebraska Crime Commission; Nebraska Diplomats; Nebraska Commission on the Status of Women; 2017 Commission on Military and Veterans Affairs; board, The Salvation Army of Omaha; chairman, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce.

Honors and awards: 2018 Distinguished Service Award, Nebraska National Guard; 2017 Excellence in Public Service Award, Filipino Asian American Hall of Fame; 2016 Sarpy County Business Hall of Fame; 2009 Worthy Women of Distinction, Omaha World Herald; 2007, Silver Arrow Award; 2005 Ambassador of the Year Award, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce; 2005 Small Business Award of Excellence; 1994 AKSARBEN Good Neighbor Award.