Sen. Victor Rountree

P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2627
- General Affairs
- Judiciary
- Urban Affairs
- State-Tribal Relations
- Justice Reinvestment Oversight (LB605)
Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2024
Born June 16, 1959, in Wilson, North Carolina.
Education: Graduate of Elm City High School, 1977; University of Maryland European Division (B.S. in business management and accounting), 1993; Community College of the Air Force (A.A. in financial management), 1990 and (A.A. in personnel management) 2001.
Military service: U.S. Air Force, 1980-2010
Family: Married Cheryl James, Jan. 6, 1983; three children: Isaac, Rachel and Naomi.
Occupation: Senior pastor
Former: Program delivery manager, Federal Emergency Management Agency; substitute teacher; budget officer, 55th Wing, Offutt Air Force Base; Chief Master Sergeant, U.S. Air Force.
Member: Endure to the End Ministries, COGIC, Inc.