Sen. Ben Hansen

P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-2728
- Agriculture
- Business and Labor
- Health and Human Services
- Reference
- Rules
- Executive Board
- Legislative Performance Audit
- Legislature's Planning Committee
- Statewide Tourism And Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability (LB406)
Elected to Nebraska Legislature: 2018; re-elected 2022
Born June 29, 1979, in Schuyler.
Education: Graduate of Schuyler Central High School, 1998; Central Community College, 2000; Wayne State College (B.S. in psychology), 2002; Palmer College of Chiropractic (D.C.), 2007.
Family: Married Jill Christine Groene, July 13, 2002; one child: Olivia.
Occupation: Chiropractor
Former member: Blair City Council, 2015-18; board, Blair Chamber of Commerce, 2012-18; board, Blair Community School Foundation, 2014-18; Blair Lions Club (president); Blair LB840 Committee, 2012-15.
Honors and awards: summa cum laude, president’s list and Pi Tau Delta Honor Society, Palmer College of Chiropractic.