Nebraska Revised Statute 84-946.01

Chapter 84


Applicability of sections.

Sections 84-947, 84-949, and 84-950 do not apply to:

(1) An occupation regulated by:

(a) The Supreme Court;

(b) The Department of Banking and Finance;

(c) The Board of Engineers and Architects;

(d) The Board of Geologists;

(e) The Real Property Appraiser Board;

(f) The State Electrical Board;

(g) The Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; or

(h) The State Real Estate Commission; or

(2) A credential issued for:

(a) A certified public accountant pursuant to the Public Accountancy Act;

(b) An insurance consultant pursuant to sections 44-2606 to 44-2635;

(c) An insurance producer pursuant to the Insurance Producers Licensing Act;

(d) A professional landscape architect pursuant to the Professional Landscape Architects Act;

(e) A managing general agent pursuant to the Managing General Agents Act;

(f) A public adjuster pursuant to the Public Adjusters Licensing Act;

(g) A reinsurance intermediary-broker or reinsurance intermediary-manager pursuant to the Reinsurance Intermediary Act;

(h) A surplus lines producer pursuant to the Surplus Lines Insurance Act;

(i) A utilization review agent pursuant to the Utilization Review Act;

(j) A viatical settlement broker pursuant to the Viatical Settlements Act; or

(k) A physician or osteopathic physician pursuant to the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act.


Cross References

  • Insurance Producers Licensing Act, see section 44-4047.
  • Managing General Agents Act, see section 44-4901.
  • Medicine and Surgery Practice Act, see section 38-2001.
  • Professional Landscape Architects Act, see section 81-8,183.01.
  • Public Accountancy Act, see section 1-105.
  • Public Adjusters Licensing Act, see section 44-9201.
  • Reinsurance Intermediary Act, see section 44-5601.
  • Surplus Lines Insurance Act, see section 44-5501.
  • Utilization Review Act, see section 44-5416.
  • Viatical Settlements Act, see section 44-1101.