Nebraska Revised Statute 82-803
First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Fort Donelson Committee; created; purpose; members; meetings; duties; vacancy; report; termination.
(1) The First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Fort Donelson Committee is created. The purpose of the committee is to provide for the creation, production, transportation, installation, and unveiling of the monument. The committee shall consist of: An employee of the Nebraska State Historical Society appointed by the Secretary of State; two members of the public who are members of a local Civil War round table organization appointed by the Secretary of State; a professor of history from the University of Nebraska appointed by the Secretary of State; and, as a nonvoting, ex officio member, the Chairperson of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Legislature or his or her designee.
(2) The members of the committee shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among its appointed members during the first meeting. A member may be reelected to serve as chairperson or vice-chairperson. The committee shall meet at least twice each calendar year. A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
(3) The committee may conduct its meetings by virtual conferencing as defined in section 84-1409, if practicable.
(4) The First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Fort Donelson Committee shall, in conformance with regulations of the Fort Donelson National Battlefield:
(a) Select a designer, sculptor, and mason, as appropriate, to create a monument and approve the design of the monument;
(b) Approve the production of the monument;
(c) Approve the method of transportation of the monument to the battlefield and its installation;
(d) Approve the unveiling ceremony for the monument; and
(e) Approve any other action the committee determines is necessary to achieve its purpose.
(5) If there is a vacancy on the committee, the Secretary of State shall fill such vacancy by appointing a member to serve during the unexpired term of the member whose office has become vacant.
(6) Members of the committee shall not be paid.
(7) The committee shall issue electronically a report to the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Legislature on the progress of the creation, production, and installation of the monument and any other information the committee deems necessary before December 31 of each year.
(8) The committee shall terminate upon the completion of its purpose.