Nebraska Revised Statute 64-313
Electronic certificate of authority; contents; fee.
(1) An electronic certificate of authority evidencing the authenticity of the notary public's electronic signature and electronic notary seal of an electronic notary public of this state shall contain substantially the following words:
Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act
I ................... (name, title, jurisdiction of commissioning official) certify that .................... (name of electronic notary public), the person named as an electronic notary public in the attached or associated document, was indeed registered as an electronic notary public for the State of Nebraska and authorized to act as such at the time of the document's electronic notarization. To verify this Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act, I have included herewith my electronic signature this .................... day of ...................., 20.................... .
(Electronic signature (and seal) of commissioning official)
(2) The Secretary of State may charge a fee of twenty dollars for issuing an electronic certificate of authority. The Secretary of State shall remit the fees to the State Treasurer for credit to the Secretary of State Cash Fund.