Nebraska Revised Statute 60-3411

Chapter 60


Agreement; disclosures required.

(1) Each agreement made in Nebraska shall disclose to each owner and driver:

(a) Any right of the program to seek indemnification from an owner or a driver for economic loss sustained by the program resulting from a breach of the terms and conditions of the agreement by such owner or driver;

(b) That a motor vehicle liability insurance policy issued to an owner or a driver may not provide a defense or indemnity for any claim asserted by the program;

(c) That a program's financial responsibility afforded to each owner and driver is available only during the sharing period;

(d) That for any use of a vehicle by a driver after the termination time, a driver or owner may not have coverage;

(e) The daily rate, fees, costs, and, if applicable, any insurance or protection package costs that are charged to an owner or a driver; and

(f) That an owner's motor vehicle liability insurance may not provide coverage for the vehicle.

(2) Each agreement made in Nebraska shall disclose to each driver:

(a) An emergency telephone number to contact personnel capable of fielding roadside assistance and other customer service inquiries; and

(b) Any conditions under which a driver shall maintain a personal motor vehicle liability insurance policy and any required coverage limits on a primary basis in order to use a vehicle through the program.
