Nebraska Revised Statute 48-203
Legislative findings, declarations, and intent; veterans' program coordinator; qualifications; duties; Department of Veterans' Affairs; duties.
(1) The Legislature finds and declares that:
(a) Nebraska is a welcoming state for veterans and their families; and
(b) Nebraska is committed to workforce development initiatives that help attract and retain veterans and their families.
(2) It is the intent of the Legislature to:
(a) Increase efforts to create public awareness among veterans and their families about the benefits of living and working in Nebraska, including special initiatives enacted to make Nebraska a veteran-friendly state; and
(b) Develop new initiatives to better connect veterans to Nebraska's job market and the workforce development needs of employers.
(3) The position of veterans' program coordinator shall be maintained by the Department of Labor. The coordinator shall be a veteran and a full-time employee of the Department of Labor and shall:
(a) Seek advice and input from the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs related to veterans' workforce development issues;
(b) Be a nonvoting, ex officio member of the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs; and
(c) Submit an annual progress report to the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs.
(4) The Department of Labor shall provide the necessary staff to assist the veterans' program coordinator in carrying out the purposes of this section.
(5) The Department of Veterans' Affairs shall:
(a) Develop a website, in collaboration with the Department of Labor, with a job-search tool specific to veterans. Such website shall be implemented on a date designated by the Director of Veterans' Affairs when sufficient cash funds have accumulated in the Veterans Employment Program Fund to develop such website, but no later than June 30, 2024; and
(b) Research best practices and websites specific to veterans from other states.