Nebraska Revised Statute 48-148.02
- Revised Statutes
- Chapter 48
- 48-148.02
Debt collection; limitations; notice; contents; delivery; Attorney General; ensure compliance; stay of lawsuits; effect on statute of limitations.
(1) After receipt of the notices provided for in this section, no debt collection shall be undertaken by a provider of services, supplier of services, collection agency, collector, or creditor attempting to collect a debt incurred against an employee or his or her spouse for treatment of a work-related injury while the matter is pending in the compensation court until final adjudication of the case regarding such debt.
(2) Notice under this section shall be made in writing and provided to each provider of services, supplier of services, collection agency, collector, or creditor as described in subsection (1) of this section. Notice shall not be imputed to any party from the service of notice upon another party.
(3) The initial notice shall contain the provider's name, employee's name, date of the injury, and a description of the injury, together with the filing date and case number pending in the compensation court. Within thirty days after the initial notice, an additional notice shall be provided specifically identifying the debt upon which collection should be stayed, unless identification was made in the initial notice. Notice shall be void if it fails to provide the proper information or is not provided within the required timeframes, or until proper notice is provided.
(4) Notice shall be made by personally delivering the notice to the person on whom it is to be served or by sending it by first-class mail addressed to the person or business entity on whom it is to be served at his or her residence or the principal office address of a business entity, or by a method otherwise agreed to between the parties. Each provider, supplier, collection agency, collector, or creditor shall not be deemed to be notified under this section unless receipt of the notice can be demonstrated.
(5) If collection efforts continue after both notices are received by the entity seeking to collect, the notices may be forwarded to the Attorney General requesting his or her assistance in gaining compliance with this act. The entity seeking to collect shall be copied on such notification to the Attorney General, and shall be given a reasonable period of time to respond to the notice and to cure any noncompliance. If noncompliance continues, the Attorney General may take such reasonable steps as is necessary to ensure compliance with this section. No private cause of action shall exist under this section. A violation of this section shall not be considered a violation of any other state or federal law.
(6) After notice is provided, collection lawsuits may be stayed, where applicable, by the plaintiff in a pending collection case, until final adjudication by the compensation court of the matter of the debt alleged to be subject to this section.
(7) The statute of limitations on the collection of such debt shall be tolled during the pendency of the compensation case from the date the case was filed with the compensation court.
(8) This section shall have no applicability outside of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and shall not apply to any other cause of action under state or federal law.