Nebraska Revised Statute 38-2142

Chapter 38


Provisional certification as art therapist; qualifications; application; expiration; disclosure required.

(1) A person who needs to obtain the required three thousand hours of supervised experience in art therapy as specified in section 38-2140 to qualify for certification as an art therapist shall obtain a provisional certification as an art therapist. To qualify for a provisional certification as an art therapist, such person shall:

(a) Have a minimum of a master's degree in art therapy from an approved educational program; and

(b) Apply prior to earning the three thousand hours of supervised experience.

(2) A provisional art therapist certification shall expire upon receipt of certification as a certified art therapist or five years after the date of issuance, whichever comes first.

(3) A person who holds a provisional certification as an art therapist shall inform all clients that such person holds a provisional certification and is practicing art therapy under supervision and shall identify the supervisor. Failure to make such disclosure is a ground for discipline as set forth in section 38-2139.
