Other functions of the Clerk's Office
24-Hour Request Line
The request line, 402-471-2877, may be used to request free subscriptions to the Unicameral Update, or to request free limited copies of bills, resolutions or amendment. Callers are asked to provide the bill numbers and year of the legislation they wish to receive.
Bill Room
Limited copies of bills, resolutions, amendments and daily Legislative Journals may be obtained for free by calling the Legislature's 24-hour Request Line at (402) 471-2709. Copies of legislation also can be obtained by visiting or writing to:
Legislative Bill RoomRoom 1126
P.O. Box 94604
State Capitol
Lincoln, NE 68509
(402) 471-0617
Requestors are asked to provide the bill numbers and year of the legislation they wish to receive.
Index Clerk
This person is responsible for producing subject and section indexes, one for bills introduced and another for those that are passed.
Journal Clerk
This office is responsible for the preparation of a daily Legislative Journal, the official record of legislative proceedings.
Legislative Histories
Historical records, including committee hearing records, introducer's statements of intent, and, upon request, bills and exhibits may be obtained from this office. Histories also include debate transcripts as prepared by the Legislative Transcribers' Office. The fee for a legislative history is 15 cents per page, plus tax and postage. To request a legislative history, email the Legislative Historian, call (402) 471-3215, or visit the Legislative Histories page on this site.
Legislative Hot Line
The hot line operates during the legislative session from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hot line staff answer questions about the status of bills and respond to information requests from callers. The service also is available to any person who has a hearing loss or speech impairment. The hot line numbers are:
Voice and Telephone Text (V/TT)
- Lincoln area (402) 471-2709
- Other Nebraska areas (800) 742-7456
Legislative Pages
Pages are college students who assist senators and the Clerk with various tasks, such as updating journals, distributing documents and answering phone calls in the legislative chamber during session.
Legislative Technology Center
This office is responsible for providing computer hardware and software support for various Legislative offices, works with the Unicameral Information Office on the design and content of the web site, handles network administration, custom application development, and software training.
Lobbyist Registration
This office is responsible for handling and processing lobbyist registration in accordance with state law. The Lobby Registration Clerk also produces Registered Lobbyist Reports regarding registrations as required by law.
Mail Room
Senators may be reached by writing them at:
SenatorP.O. Box 94604
State Capitol
Lincoln, NE 68509
The sergeants-at-arms assist the Clerk with the security of the Legislature.
Unicameral Information Office
This office is responsible for the production of the Unicameral Update and the Nebraska Blue Book. If you would like to receive a free subscription to the print version of the Unicameral Update, email the Unicameral Information Office or call (402) 471-2788. The office also works with the Legislative Technology Center on the web site design and content, and produces various educational and informational videos, brochures, and publications about the Nebraska Legislature.