Health and Human Services Committee - Subject Matter Jurisdiction
The Health and Human Services Committee is responsible for processing legislation involving the following subject areas:
- Public Health Areas
- hospitals; nursing homes; homes for the aged; health facilities; long-term care; certificate of need
- mental health regions; alcoholism and drug programs
- professional and occupational licensing; boards
- medical assistance
- emergency medical care; services; ambulances
- human remains
- Department of Health and Human Services
- children; diseases; maternal and infant care
- environmental health; Radiation Control Act; Asbestos Control Act
- vital statistics; rural and local health; generic drugs
- Social Services and Public Assistance
- public assistance
- children; foster care; child care; support; placement
- aging
- community action agencies
- behavioral health
- Early Intervention Act
- blind and visually impaired
- developmental disabilities
- deaf and hard of hearing