Journal Summary for April 13th, 2023
108th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 61
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LR94 | Date of introduction | 1107 |
LB574 | MO664 pending | 1108 |
LR94 | Laid over | 1108 |
LB282 | Placed on Select File | 1109 |
LB574 | Hunt MO664 withdrawn | 1109 |
LB574 | Hunt MO102 withdrawn | 1109 |
LB574 | Hunt MO663 withdrawn | 1109 |
LB574 | Kauth AM872 withdrawn | 1109 |
LB574 | AM975 pending | 1109 |
LB799 | Placed on Select File with ER22 | 1109 |
LB799 | Enrollment and Review ER22 filed | 1109 |
LB815 | Placed on Select File | 1109 |
LB816 | Placed on Select File | 1109 |
LB799A | Placed on Select File | 1110 |
LR95 | Date of introduction | 1110 |
LR95 | Laid over | 1110 |
LB574 | Kauth MO940 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed | 1111 |
LB574 | Kauth MO940 prevailed | 1111 |
LB574 | Kauth AM975 lost | 1111 |
LB574 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1111 |
LB753 | MO822 pending | 1112 |
LB753 | Hunt MO822 failed | 1112 |
LB753 | Cavanaugh, M. MO941 Reconsider the vote taken on MO822 filed | 1113 |
LB753 | Cavanaugh, M. MO941 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Hunt MO821 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Hunt MO820 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Hunt MO824 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Hunt MO825 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Cavanaugh, J. AM739 withdrawn | 1113 |
LB753 | Raybould AM1233 lost | 1114 |
LB753 | Raybould FA41 withdrawn | 1114 |
LB753 | Linehan MO942 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed | 1114 |
LB753 | Linehan MO942 prevailed | 1114 |
LB753 | Linehan AM1253 adopted | 1114 |
LB753 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1114 |
LB753A | Cavanaugh, M. MO943 Bracket until June 1, 2023 filed | 1115 |
LB753A | Linehan MO944 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed | 1115 |
LB753A | Linehan MO944 prevailed | 1115 |
LB753A | Cavanaugh, M. MO943 failed | 1116 |
LB103 | Placed on Final Reading with ST6 | 1117 |
LB103 | Enrollment and Review ST6 filed | 1117 |
LB103 | Enrollment and Review ST6 recorded | 1117 |
LB138 | Placed on Final Reading with ST4 | 1117 |
LB138 | Enrollment and Review ST4 filed | 1117 |
LB138 | Enrollment and Review ST4 recorded | 1117 |
LB753A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 1117 |
LB683 | Placed on Final Reading with ST5 | 1118 |
LB683 | Enrollment and Review ST5 filed | 1118 |
LB683 | Enrollment and Review ST5 recorded | 1118 |
LB138 | DeKay name added | 1119 |
LB227 | Hansen, B. AM1332 filed | 1119 |
LB254 | Holdcroft name added | 1119 |
LB606 | Holdcroft name added | 1119 |
LB647 | Walz name added | 1119 |
LB736 | Ballard name added | 1119 |
LR88 | DeKay name added | 1119 |