Journal Summary for March 20th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 45

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB959 Enrollment and Review ER8207 adopted 1044
LB959 Chambers FA220 adopted 1045
LB959 Erdman AM2171 withdrawn 1045
LB959 Erdman AM2434 adopted 1045
LB959 Erdman AM2401 withdrawn 1045
LB959 Erdman MO149 Unanimous consent to adopt FA234 filed 1045
LB959 Heidemann objected 1045
LB959 Erdman MO150 Bracket until March 23, 2008 filed 1045
LB959 Erdman MO150 withdrawn 1045
LB959 Erdman FA234 lost 1045
LB846 Schimek AM2324 filed 1046
LB959 Rogert AM2361 withdrawn 1046
LB959 Rogert AM2361 Refiled 1046
LB959 Rogert AM2441 pending 1046
LR283 Date of introduction 1047
LR283 Laid over 1048
LB959 Rogert AM2441 withdrawn 1049
LB959 Rogert AM2451 filed 1049
LB959 Rogert AM2451 pending 1049
LR238 Notice of hearing April 02, 2008 1049
LR283 Referred to Reference Committee 1049
LR283 Referred to Executive Board 1050
LR284 Date of introduction 1051
LB959 Rogert AM2451 pending 1054
LB959 Rogert AM2451 adopted 1054
LR283 Notice of hearing March 27, 2008 1054
LR284 Laid over 1054
LB959 Heidemann AM2437 adopted 1055
LB959 Kruse AM2450 adopted 1055
LB959 Rogert AM2361 adopted 1055
LB959 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1056
LB1019 Enrollment and Review ER8208 adopted 1056
LB1019 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1056
LR285 Date of introduction 1056
LB880 Kopplin AM2455 filed 1057
LB1154 Placed on General File with AM2449 1057
LB1154 Education AM2449 filed 1057
LR285 Referred to Executive Board 1057
LB766 Stuthman AM2453 filed 1059