Journal Summary for February 6th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 20

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB716 Placed on General File 517
LB717 Placed on General File with AM1776 517
LB717 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1776 filed 517
LB779 Placed on General File with AM1615 517
LB779 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1615 filed 517
LB848 Placed on General File 517
LB852 Placed on General File 517
LB907 Placed on General File 517
LB1011 Placed on General File 517
LB918 Placed on General File with AM1775 518
LB918 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1775 filed 518
LB1022 Hansen priority bill 518
LB782 Placed on Select File with ER8155 522
LB782 Enrollment and Review ER8155 filed 522
LB823 Placed on Select File with ER8154 523
LB823 Enrollment and Review ER8154 filed 523
LB624 Placed on Select File 527
LB952 Placed on General File 528
LR235 Adopted 528
LR235 President/Speaker signed 528
LB39 Erdman FA164 withdrawn 529
LB39 Motion to return to Select File withdrawn 529
LB39 Erdman AM1764 withdrawn 529
LB39 Passed on Final Reading 31-14-4 529
LB39 President/Speaker signed 530
LB586 Enrollment and Review ER8143 adopted 530
LB586 Lathrop AM1705 withdrawn 530
LB586 Lathrop AM1742 adopted 530
LB586 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 530
LB726A Placed on General File 530
LB726A Date of introduction 530
LB853 Placed on General File with AM1780 530
LB853 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1780 filed 530
LB123 Enrollment and Review ER8152 adopted 531
LB123 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB179 Enrollment and Review ER8151 adopted 531
LB179 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB179A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB386 Enrollment and Review ER8148 adopted 531
LB386 Langemeier AM1618 withdrawn 531
LB386 Langemeier AM1620 withdrawn 531
LB386 Langemeier AM1691 adopted 531
LB386 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB619 Enrollment and Review ER8144 adopted 531
LB619 Pirsch AM1652 adopted 531
LB619 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB620 Enrollment and Review ER8145 adopted 531
LB620 Pirsch AM1715 adopted 531
LB620 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 531
LB280 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 532
LB280A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 532
LB500 Business and Labor Committee AM809 lost 532
LB500 Cornett AM1670 withdrawn 532
LB500 Cornett AM1693 adopted 532
LB500 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 532
LB623 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 532
LB837 Placed on General File with AM1767 532
LB837 Transportation and Telecommunications AM1767 filed 532
LB39 Presented to Governor on February 06, 2008 534
LB1011 Langemeier AM1772 filed 534
LB500 Aguilar name added 535
LB770 Synowiecki name added 535