Journal Summary for February 21st, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 32

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LR33 Added Introducer 'Dubas, 34' 0
LR33 Date of introduction 0
LR34 Added Introducer 'Dubas, 34' 0
LR34 Date of introduction 0
LB307 Correctly Engrossed 609
LB307 ST9007 Change 609
LB5 Placed on General File 610
LB116 Placed on General File 610
LB198 Placed on General File 610
LB396 Placed on General File 610
LB464 Placed on General File 610
LB256 Placed on General File 611
LB388 Placed on General File 611
LB471 Placed on General File 611
LB39 Attorney General Opinion 07006 to Dubas 613
LB124 Com AM299 Adopted 617
LB124 Advanced to E and R Initial 618
LB166 ER8013 Adopted 618
LB166 Janssen AM387 Adopted 618
LB166 Janssen FA00027 Adopted 618
LB166 Advanced to E and R Engrossing 618
LB211 ER8023 Adopted 618
LB211 Cornett AM278 Withdrawn 618
LB211 Cornett AM423 Lost 618
LB211 Erdman AM253 Adopted 619
LB211 Advanced to E and R Engrossing 619
LB211A Advanced to E and R Engrossing 619
LB527 Erdman MO00018 Withdrawn 619
LB527 Erdman AM401 Adopted 619
LB527 Erdman AM404 Adopted 620
LB527 Nelson FA00029 Adopted 620
LB147 Placed on General File 621
LB489 Indefinitely postponed 621
LB504 Placed on General File 621
LB527 Advanced to E and R Engrossing 621
LB636 Placed on General File 621
LB663 Placed on General File 621
LB681 Placed on General File 621
LB690 Placed on General File 626
LB283 Approved by Governor (2/21) 629
LB283A Approved by Governor (2/21) 629
LB425 Added Introducer 'Christensen, 44' 632
LB677 Added Introducer 'Christensen, 44' 632
LB484 Added Introducer 'Langemeier, 23' 633