Introduced Legislation for March 28th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 49

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LR306 Janssen Interim study to examine issues relating to the use of latex in public places and efforts to restrict or eliminate the use of latex
LR307 Wightman Interim study to examine Nebraska's aid to dependent children program
LR308 Nantkes Interim study to examine costs associated with the creation of the learning community
LR309 Nantkes Interim study to determine whether Nebraska should enact the Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001)
LR310 Karpisek Interim study to examine the mandatory retirement age and lack of purchase of service provisions in the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System
LR311 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Interim study to examine the public employee retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR312 Pedersen Interim study to examine whether the Legislature should adopt a statewide 24/7 sobriety program
LR313 Fischer Interim study to examine the need for a uniform voluntary procedure of dispute resolution between railroads and entities who enter into agreements to construct certain facilities
LR314 Erdman Interim study to examine means to fully cash fund the duties carried out by the Dept. of Agriculture under the Noxious Weed Control Act
LR315 Erdman Interim study to review the statutory provisions for disease eradication programs administered by the Bureau of Animal Industry
LR316 Erdman Interim study to continue examination of activities and staffing of the Dept. of Agriculture and the Bureau of Animal Industry
LR317 Kopplin Interim study to examine the use of electronic surveillance devices and software by individuals who engage in the crime of stalking
LR318 Kopplin Interim study to examine the participation rate of the food stamp program in Nebraska
LR319 Hudkins Interim study to examine the statutes governing the placement of electric transmission lines